Monday, May 20, 2013

A Departure to Dream

Friends, the day has come. Yes, it is Monday, but it is also the Monday in which I have hit 100 posts on my blog (some have not actually been published for you to read but they are there). While I never intended to actually write for as long as I did, or as frequently as I did, I am proud and glad for my accomplishment and learned many things along the way. Some posts I enjoy more than others, some posts I want to delete, some posts I am inspired from and wonder at God's ability to speak through me, aaaand some posts all I read is sleep deprivation. I am glad for everything that has been written and that I have something to look back on for forever, but now I must look forward to other dreams and goals that I have.

For about the last year I have posted every Monday (or the early hours of Tuesday if we are getting technical here), to ensure that I would keep regularly writing and then of course start writing books and follow that dream. But here's the thing.. in the last three years of having my blog I have not finished a book; I have worked towards one and put some things together, yes, but I have not completed one. And so, today I tell you that I am taking a temporary step away from my Monday night postings and probably just posting in general. It's not you, it's me. Sometimes you have to evaluate your life and if you haven't gotten to where you wanted to be yet, then you have to change something. It doesn't matter if you are in a pattern and used to writing a certain night each week, if you aren't seeing the results you dream of then you must make a change to what you are doing to achieve them.

And so even though I leave from Sunshiney Days it doesn't mean that I have stopped writing or failed at my Monday night posting goal, it means that I am pushing myself to become more determined to achieve a big goal. To reach this big goal I guess you could say that I am sacrificing or putting aside a few stepping stone goals as I have become too dependent on them. Instead of putting effort towards writing a book, I use what energy I have left on a Monday night to put together a posting. I became too comfortable with only Monday night postings and that isn't good. I have bigger dreams than that!

Friends, for this next little while where I won't be regularly posting I encourage you to also look within your heart at your goals and dreams. Are you accomplishing or working towards your goals? Your dreams? What's holding you back? Don't be afraid to lower your focus in one area of 'stepping stone' goals if it means jumping up to work towards your 'main stage' goals. Hopefully that makes sense. I know you all have incredible talent and I encourage you not to be afraid of that talent and what God has intended for your life, even if it means doing a few things out of your comfort zone.

As always, I am super thankful for you all of you who take the time to read my blog and I am excited to one day post about where you can get my newly published book. It's going to be an exciting time and I look towards it. Thank you friends, feel free to come back to Sunshiney Days if you are having a bad day and need to re-read a post, any time. Love to you all!

Lastly, I leave you with this... one of my first blog posts that continues to be on my mind in my day to day life:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Advertising Blame

Ahh Mondays, you just never know what kind of day you might get. Will it be a slow and mellow day? Perchance a day that you get a promotion? Perhaps a day where you get not seven but EIGHT M&Ms out of the candy machine? Or maybe it's a day where your building's electrical supply almost gets taken out by a forklift. You just never know.

Today, I had one of the above happened to me. And I observed the people around me after what I shall call 'the incident' occurred. There were basically two reactions to the incident. Let me give you two over dramatic reaction scenarious to help give a better picture:

You got EIGHT m&ms!!

ok just kidding... here they really are:

1) The No-Name Brand
"Where is everybody?" said person one.
"Oh, somebody accidentally snagged the powerline and they are outside helping to fix it and ensure we don't get electrocuted." said person two.
"Crazy, ok I will talk to them later," said person one.

2) Blame Advertisement
"Where is everybody?" said one person.
"Oh, (name of person) hit the powerline. What a goof, he totally wasn't paying attention to what he was doing." said person two.
"Pff, this totally doesn't surprise me, he would do that." said person one.

Do you see what's happening there? When the person in charge of supplying information responded calmly with a 'No-Name Brand' story as to what happened, focusing on the solution to the incident, others responded in the same pattern. When the person answering decided to focus on the unfortunate event and putting the blame onto somebody directly, others also responded in the same pattern building on that blame.

I think sadly sometimes we forget how much power we have over our conversations by the words and attitudes that we choose to utilize. Every one of us carries the power to build up or tear down, to encourage or to destroy and to speak pleasantly or rudely. I know I can be better in conversations, I will be the first to confess that I forget the power of conversation and the power that I have to keep the talk on a positive note, looking towards solutions, as opposed to focusing on the incidents of everyday life. We obviously can't control what anyone else around us will say or do but we can control ourselves. (And if you can't, then keep trying and you will get there.) This week I encourage you to honestly think before you speak, which seems like standard advice but let's take it to the adult level. Ask yourself if you are putting blame on someone when there is no need, are you focusing on the solution or the incident/problem or are the words that you are speaking ones that will encourage or discourage?

If someone over heard your conversation about them would they smile and feel good about themselves or would they feel like crying and want to avoid you?

I strive to be better and don't always succeed, but I shall persist until my brain is so focused on optimism that positivity will be the only thing within me to come tumbling out.

Praying for positive and uplifting conversations for you all this week!

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Fruit Crisp Community

I made a fruit crisp tonight for the first time ever. And while that may surprise some people I think it's important to note that while I don't believe I have ever fully made one before I have spent many a time perfecting my ability to eat fruit crisp... most importantly, apple crisp.

So anyways, I don't have some super big reason for telling you that other than I had a really good night. One of those nights where you just feel good about doing mellow things but yet having a fantastic time. I came home from work just knowing that tonight was a good night to have "our first dinner out on the patio of 2013". And so we did. I cooked and baked up a storm and was super excited for fresh air and lemon/mint water while eating all the food. We invited an elderly friend of ours that we live with (we live in her basement), and she came and had dinner with us too. That feels awesome. Andrew invited her to come eat with us and she mentioned that she was heating up some food but decided to come and join us anyways. It was such a blessing to have her with us and not eating by herself. I went downstairs to grab the apple and peach fruit crisp and by the time I came back to the patio another elderly lady had shown up! A few minutes later my cousin showed up and we made sure that we got all the new guests some fruit crisp as well. (Sidenote: The fruit crisp was an absolute hit, yessssssssssss). Such a relaxed feeling that people can just show up and start eating.

Community. Yes, that's what it was tonight, that's what I am talking about. Phew, glad it finally came to me. Even though I am tired now and ready to go to bed I guess I was just reminded tonight about why community and being with people that just accept you is so important. If you think that community doesn't apply to you because nobdy ever invites you over... ponder this, what kind of community can YOU invite people into? It doesn't have to be about food, although that's always a fun thing to gather around, but look for opportunities to bring together the young and the old to simply talk and share life with, it's an incredible sight and experience.

Those are my thoughts for tonight. While it gets tricky to slow life down every now and then it is important to let yourself be part of a community more often than not. Slow your schedule, delay some errands and just be with people or invite people over to talk about life. The good, the bad, the frustrating, and the dreams; summer is coming and that means outdoor patio parties and people. Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of a community of people, whether self made or joining in, it's going to be a good year.