Thursday, December 22, 2011

You did it!! And now... Christmas Time!

This goes out to all my friends that have successfully finished another semester. Heck, if you think you were unsuccessful you still did it!! Don't give up hope, keep chugging along doing the best you can do in your situation. (That's all there is to it. If you only have 5 hours to write a complete history paper, it's obviously not going to be perfect, but do the best you can do in that given situation.) I'm already sidetracked and giving pep talks... alright basically I just wanted to say to all my student friends... you did it!! School is done, bring on Christmas, let out a deep sigh of relief and put on your Christmas Cheer (oooh or Christmas Sweater if you have one!). For serious though, look back at your accomplishments (just take a look..) and let yourself be proud of yourself. It's a good thing to do. What seemed impossible a few months ago is now done. Well done student friend!
Now most of you are probably thinking "Golly, spare time... what do I do with it?" I can help you. I have a compiled a few things that might help you with your new found spare time:

**Thank God for helping you survive** and then...

1) Sleep - Four months of accumulated sleepless nights have now caught up with you, you've earned it.Or don't sleep, you don't have to get up early to go to class.
2) Those humans known as family and friends - hangout with them! Chances are they've missed you, or missed seeing you without that stress line on the forehead as you think about the homework you still need to accomplish while talking to them.. You know it exists. You know.
3) Clean your room/house - because let's not kid ourselves... it's probably a textbook/homework clothes/snack food disaster.
3) Don't clean your room/house - you've got extra time now to search for stuff that may be hidden in a mess.
5) Bake/Cook real food - not snacking study food, you have the time!
6) Christmas Shopping - because 3 days before Christmas is the perfect time. (See Eco-Friendly Christmas post for some ridiculous wrapping tips... and as Ashley Vaughan would say, not to be confused with 'rapping' tips.)
7) Read - specifically something non-school related that may have been considered "a waste of study time" during the semester. 
8) Watch a lava lamp - You've got the time.

I'm sure you can use your creative minds to come up with a few more things as well. Once again I say CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU DID IT!! Now go have some fun!!

Bonus Mark: If you noticed that there were two 3's, well done, the brain is still sharp. Pat on back. If you didn't notice... ummm MERRRRRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

An Eco-friendly Christmas

I suppose I am a bit of a tree hugger. Sometimes literally... but what I'm really trying to say is that I hate seeing tons of things being used for two seconds and then filling up landfills for the rest of their lives and limited resources being ruined for no reason. Therefore I have come up with a few tips for an ecofriendly Christmas that I am going to try and use this year and will overall help our world:

1) Eco-friendly wrapping paper: I really dislike wrapping paper. Don't get that confused with unwrapping things. I LOVE unwrapping things: random gifts, mail, DVD's, chocolates, etc. But the thing with wrapping paper is that surprisingly enough it is paper... used only for wrapping. Once a person gets a gift, that wrapping paper has a lifespan of about 30 seconds... or 30 minutes if you unwrap like a grandma. So anyways this year I'm going to wrap gifts in an eco-friendly way, I suggest using such things as:
 - newspaper
 - towels
 - blankets
 - nothing, just hide your gift under some other ones that are wrapped and yell out who the gift is for when people start handing out presents.
(P.s. I'm not saying your family will appreciate this approach, but the environment will.)

2) Eco-friendly Christmas Cards: Verbal Christmas cards are the new written. I thought these were only for when you didn't have time to buy/make a birthday card... but no! They work for all holidays, plus you get to take the time out to see each person individually and tell them what you would have written on their card!

3) Eco-friendly shopping: "How many bags would you like?"  Just say No(ne).
If you're a woman... just shove it all in the eco-friendly bag of yours called a purse. If your purse is not big enough... time for an upgrade(I feel obligated to say no fur or leather)! Or carry one of those fabric bags that roll up real small to put stuff in. Or do what I do... awkardly carry it all out of the store knowing that the trees in the parking lot are smiling at you for saving their lives (even if you do drop your dumb receipt in the process and chase it around until it goes under your car and you have to crawl under your car to get it because you can't stand to see a piece of paper get thrown on the ground and not recycled). Something to that degree anyways.
If you're male... umm I guess you could start carrying one of those gym bags that is in no way considered a purse, and will make you look tough since you will look like you are always on your way to the gym. Or just awkwardly carry everything as well: tree saving, fun and a challenge! Win, win, win.
Oh hmm, I guess this doesn't really work if you are buying a lot of groceries. Oh ok I got it... put it all into the cart with no bags, then transfer piece by piece into your car, then at home you can unload it item by item into your home. Then you don't even need to go to the gym!! Quintuplet Win!

4) Eco-friendly Christmas meal eating: Use real plates and cutlery, preferably ones you don't have to hand wash. If not plausible, like say you are dutch and have about 35 people coming to your Christmas dinner, really encourage a cut down on paper plates and plastic cup usage. Use felt pens to write names on cups for when your crazy cousins leave them all over the house and, best case scenario, share! Which sounds odd but really, one cup per family, they all sit near each other usually anyways, perfect. Germs will be contained to each household. For pure enjoyment, try and see if your family will share plates... not only will it be hilarious but it will also save the world. Also, try and eat steak, not turkey as the methane produced by cows is wrecking the 'ol ozone layer, last I heard anyways.

Steaks > Turkey

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Sweater

Yes, it is true. I have a Christmas Sweater. Correction: I rock a Christmas Sweater.

It all started many moons ago when my mother read a book about knitting, which then inspired her to knit something. She started small... made two sweaters for my nephews (who are conveniently.. small), and after I saw what kind of skills that lady had I knew that I had to have one. I just knew it.

Many patterns, attempts, and "you better love me" statements by my mother later I had a legit knitted Christmas Sweater. The best I ever did see!! Stores can't make this kind of sweater, I'm not even sure elves could make a sweater like this. As one friend described it, "that sweater says 'my family loves me.'" I am going to have to concurr. My mom is incredible... she knitted me a hug. pfffffffff corny, go with it.

I guess I kind of have been wearing my sweater in low key settings, you know a tree farm here, a christmas light show watching there, every Tuesday and Friday at work for my self proclaimed 'Christmas Sweater Day' over there... but today I brought that baby out for a day in the town... ohhhh man, most amazing conversation starter ever! So many compliments and comments... and when I tell them that my mother made it... my christmas sweater gains like 138 more points in authenticity. Come to think of it... everyone that commented on it was a lady... over 40. A generation that appreciates a good knit/pearl/knit I suppose.

So anyways, overall point I want to make is that my mother has been noted for her talent across Chilliwack and I am super glad that I was blessed with her. Also, my mother said I have to wear my christmas sweater for as many hours as it took her to knit it. Basically any Christmas related outing and I am wearing it as per my mother's wishes. And I know you're all dying to see what this sweater looks like after all this promo of it, soooo without further talking (because I'm not entirely sure how to spell a-do, adue, adie, adou) I present to you: Christmas Sweater...

(Modeled by Sherylynn Niezen, 2011, pink gloves not included)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Songs: You live you learn.

In honour of the many many christmas songs I listen to on a daily basis (some voluntarily, some with a lot of whining and scowling at the office radio) I now give you a list of some of the things I have learned from these songs:

1) Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer - If you're unpopular, simply paint your nose red. Then, be patient, your time will come. You won't necessarily be invited to play reindeer games, but Santa will make you famous, and then since you have some street cred from the big man, all of the other reindeer will then pay attention to you and accept you into their group.. Rudolf kind of reminds me of Joseph.

2) Baby it's Cold Outside - Women should always go out prepared. If it's winter, it's probably cold outside, bring a thick sweater, jacket, gloves and some good boots! Don't listen to the peer pressure of a male. With your winter gear the outside coldness will not be a problem and the male will have no further excuse for you to stay. Women, again, be prepared this Christmas season. Nobody ever says "Gee... it's a snowstorm, I wish I left my gloves at home."

3) Mistletoe - For those of you unfamiliar with this song, Justin Bieber sings it. This is what the song teaches me: Instead of going out and having fun playing in the winter snow, it's better to just stand under a piece of greenery hoping someone will kiss you. One, that's ridiculous. Two, Justin, whatever happened to the kissing chasing game? Run away from the girl you like, don't stand in one spot not having any fun hoping she notices you!! That's crazy. Justin's crazy.

4) I'll be home for Christmas - Whoever sings this song sits on a throne of lies. And probably smells like beef and cheese (for all you Elf fans out there). Don't promise you are going to be home for Christmas and get your friends, family and other loved ones all excited and then say, Oh... I mean in my dreams... in my dreams I'll be home for Christmas. What does that even mean!!! Clearly nobody has the ability to step into each others dreams (no matter what that Inception movie went off about for 4 hours), so obviously the only thing being taught by this song is that the singer will NOT be home for Christmas. A cruel joke is what this song is.

5) I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - How come nobody is concerned that mommy is kissing another man? I'm concerned.

6) Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer -  Should we not all be running away from these ferocious reindeer as fast as we can?? If they run over poor old grandma, what's to say they won't stop at you? Seriously, how come everyone assumes reindeer are nice and cuddly. Let's look at the facts, they're kind of jerks... they ignore a fellow reindeer because he's got a sweet birth defect, and then they RUN OVER GRANDMAS!! More people should be aware of what kind of deer Reindeer really are.

I hope I've given you all a few things to think about. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Miracles

Today is a day of Christmas Miracles. And while I don’t feel that I always come up with themes for each Christmas season, today I shall start and declare that this Christmas is a Christmas of Christmas Miracles. (HAHA, you find a way to use the word ‘Christmas’ four times in one sentence.) So anyways I feel like ever since I found out a part of my family might not make it to visit for Christmas my heart has been heavy. Just sad because I was being selfish and wanted them with me. Today… a day of Christmas Miracles… I am feeling God’s love and my sister and her family are coming to town!!! This gives me such great joy. SUCH great joy. But oh wait.. wait.. no it doesn’t stop there. Not only did I receive the extreme gift of family at Christmas time, but I also got a bunch of stuff I ordered in the mail today!! Christmas presents for me and other people.. so I guess you could say I’ve started Christmas shopping which is weird because it’s still so early. But its not so much about the gifts but that I got cool stuff in the mail!! I love mail!! But oh wait.. there’s still more!! Hammock #3 came in today!! Cherry on a cake of a day.

Now if you read this and think… “Golly, why does she get all the Christmas Miracles? Nothing good ever happens in my life.” Not true. Start counting your blessings and you’ll see. And if you’re up for it… go create a Christmas Miracle for another! A candy cane here… a cup of hot chocolate there… a toy bought and donated over that way…  

Feeling God’s love.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Dishwasher Departs

Ok, so I haven’t mentioned it before but my dishwasher has some serious issues. It has been deteriorating for… well basically since we got it. Well ok ok the first few years I don’t think there were any issues, but a couple years ago a cousin fell on the open dishwasher door and … it fell off. Never fear though, my trusty father put the door back on and while he did a good job, I think from there its all been downhill. It has had issues closing ever since and staying closed when the dishwasher is on. But the thing is, the dishwasher is amazing, we can put almost anything in there (none of that pre-rinsing business where people just wash their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher) and it comes out clean! Maaaagic. There was a bit of an issue with losing utensils for a while since the holder thing broke, but a few zap straps later... good as new.. kind of... we just try to avoid that square and use the others if possible. So, clearly it has been the perfect dishwasher for the lazy, non hand dish-washing family... my family. The last couple months have been really tough times on the dishwasher, it’s last burst of energy shall we say. We had to prop the door closed with a broom which created somewhat of a limbo challenge to step over in the middle of our kitchen. Fun and frustrating all in one! So things were going well with the dishwasher and his ‘crutch’…. But then bits of the dishwasher started to break off where we had to jam the broom into the dishwasher handle to keep it closed so that it would run (not even mentioning how beat up our broom looks too). And I mean that happens. I guess. But the dishwasher was still working. Until this morning. Mother phoned me at work to tell me the bad news, she went downstairs to find a huge lake in our kitchen. ‘Ol dishwasher just has no control of himself anymore. He can't keep himself together and he can't keep control of his water. It’s really quite sad to see him deteriorate like this. Especially for my mother as she has decided to put him out of his misery. She is going out to look for a new dishwasher today. While I’m excited to see what new dishwasher-ey inventions have come out in the last 10-13 years and what new creation my mother comes home with… I feel none will compare to this original dishwasher that has brought us such frustration and joy over the years.

Concluding Thoughts: All jokes aside, my family is blessed to even have a dishwasher. I am thankful.