Monday, January 30, 2012

Sick Day

1. Play with toys
2. Watch TV
3. Eat soup while laying on the couch
4. Constant attention from your mom
5. You get to stay home from school
6. Read comic books
7. Talk to your grandparents that come to visit you
8. Listen to your favorite music and dance around a bit
9. Rearrange all your stuffed animals
10. Relax

The above 10 things are a list of things you can do when you are granted a sick day when you are a child. You are granted this sick day after you have successfully shown your mother your sick face, she has felt your forehead and said "well.... you're kind of warm", and then confirmed your hope that you could stay home from school. Now I didn't try and play sick a lot when I was younger, but if I did have to stay home I usually was still capable of being a part of all 10 things listed above. Now, below is a list of things you can do when you get sick as an adult:

1. Be Bedridden
2. Think about the time you could stand up completely vertical.
3. Feel sick
4. Let work know you're not coming in
5. Feel sick
6. Cancel all your meetings
7. Feel sick
8. Feel sick
9. Feel sick of being sick
10. Be bedridden

So in conclusion and as you can see, it's much better to get sick as a child. Adults, don't get sick this season, after much evidence collecting and experimentation with illness I can now report that there are no benefits to it anymore.

Praying for health for all of you!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Everyday is January 1st

I think it’s become quite apparent that I did not make a New Years Resolution to write on my blog everyday. So good news, I have not failed!! Ahhh the joy of no Resolutions. Well ok, let’s be honest here, I did make 2 resolutions but I’m not sure if I am going to motivate myself to follow through on them. They were simply this:   

       1)  Eat more M&Ms on a daily basis
       2)   Play more guitar hero.

I’ll explain a bit I suppose.
1) I’m not talking about like a bag of M&Ms a day, I’m talking about a quarters worth everyday into a machine, this can mean anywhere between 1 to 6 M&Ms. (P.s. the days where I only get one M&M… such a let down). So anyways my M&M time everyday at work was a time where I could just walk away from my desk, take a break and eat a few peanut M&MS, get some chocolate to boost my energy levels and then continue on. At some point I lost this little break and so I figured I should get it back. Plus, M&MS are good.
                PROGRESS: I stayed steady at M&M time for about 3 days (even boosting it up to two quarters to increase my M&M intake). And then I decided I was going to cut back on my chip and chocolate intake. Not because I’m trying to lose all this weight as a new years resolution but because I never used to eat that much junk food and I always felt like I had more energy and just felt better overall. So I conflicted myself but in the end I think I have to say good bye to my M&M time. I haven’t given up on my Eggo time yet though.

2) I just like guitar hero. I feel like I can play a guitar to some degree when I’m playing it, I like jamming out to the songs, and I just like to have a whole bunch of people over and we just hangout and switch up on the guitar all night. It’s a good time. A gathering of friends time.
                PROGRESS: I don’t actually own guitar hero soooooooo I haven’t played at all. HAHAHAHAH I am going to have to go sweet talk a friend of mine to let me borrow his. But I want to see this happen.

So, I suppose this could be the typical New Years Resolution blog that bloggers post every January. I don’t particularly encourage others to make New Years Resolutions because in the end I kind of think Resolutions are for lazy people (please don’t throw snowballs at me….or rotten vegetables). Think about it, if you only make new goals and resolutions once a year, then if you start drifting from your goals you know you have another year before you have to start being motivated again. I prefer to just make new goals and resolutions every day pretty much. And I encourage that. Don’t stop dreaming and thinking on how to improve yourself and your surroundings. Every day is January 1st so set a new standard or challenge for yourself everyday.

And if you want… Have a countdown and throw confetti every day at midnight to really contribute to the feel. I know I want to.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Tree Farm Goal

Soo I kinda wrote this up a while ago thinking I would accomplish this Christmas Goal... but sadly I did not. Boo hoooooo tears tears.. I'm over it. So anyways I figured I would post this anyways and show what progress I did make. Perhaps next year this goal will come true.

The goal was simply this:

Christmas Goal: Go to a Christmas tree farm every weekend in December

People sometimes want reasons for these goals. If you're one of them... read on... I think deep down since I've only ever been to a Christmas tree farm once in my life I may be trying to make up for lost time. Plus I just love Christmas tree farms... such a great atmosphere... people are happy.. families are together... I always secretly hope a squirrel will jump out of a tree... and when you have your tree all picked out and on the truck... they have free hot chocolate for you to drink!! (umm the tree farm I went to did anyways)

Weekend #1:
I started off strong.. I went with my parents to get a tree!! It was a fun family outing.. until they shut down every suggestion I gave. It's not my fault that they want some perfect tree that is higher than 2 feet and has a full set of branches. They need to branch out a little more. (bahahahah welcome to Sherylynn's corny joke time. I'll try to limit myself to one a paragraph.) So anyways, once I saw the tree carts... naturally I wanted to sit in the tree cart and be pulled around.... like a Princess... waving at all the suckers that had to walk...
That didn't happen. They made me pull the cart... which is kind of the complete opposite of what I was going for... Don't worry I didn't let that stop my excitement. My parents got some nice fluffy tree, my mom made my dad cut it down and then my mom and I took a picture of us by the tree pretending we had cut it down ourselves and texted that picture to my sisters and brother. That picture I do not have.... BUT you'll just have to trust me that it was awesome. THEN we went and drank free hot chocolate. AND later my friends helped me decorate said tree. Good day!!!

Weekend #2:
Ok... weekend two at the tree farm, still going strong.. but in a bit of a different fashion. Hilarious, Christmas Cheer Car, five hours to find the perfect tree, wild. I can't give too many further details then that. I went with my friend, who is awesome, and she shares the same love that I have for Charlie Brown Christmas trees. Soooo this time I got to hangout in the stubby tree section a lot!! Hooorahh!! You may also note that I was simultaneously completing another Christmas Goal of wearing my Christmas sweater in as many photos as possible.

This was one of the most awesome days, simply being on the hunt for a great tree while in the Christmas Cheer Car, phoning friends to sing them Christmas carols, handing out a ton of Christmas Cheer to anyone and everyone... hanging out around stubby trees... doesn't get too much better then that. So I finally got a tree, it's a bit hard to see as it's laying down but here it is:

Weekend #3:
Fail. Not too much further to say. I did not get to a Christmas Tree farm... I did however think about it but had many other things going on. Even sadder story... here is a picture of where my christmas tree still was:

Weekend #4:
More Fail. Here is my tree still:


Well.... there's always next year. :)