Monday, June 25, 2012

I have no words... almost literally

Ok, many might be expecting a different blog post today... but keep posted for that next week :) Ahh the suspense.

So I didn't want to post today or talk about this until I could get the dumb video working that I had made... you heard me right... I made a video. Interesting, I know. But I can't get it to work. The past week has been a lesson in trying to stay calm amongst great frustration. Nonetheless, I will work to get the video out by maybe tomorrow but just was posting for all my dedicated followers who have been waiting all day for me to post. Until I get the video posted I leave you with this:

I got a retainer. I do not enjoy it.

continued... It's clearly not one day later but... umm so anyways, I promised you a video. I didn't promise you a well edited video (luckily) so I now give you my first youtube video... ever. well technically it's in two sections because that whole editing thing is overrated. However, I did get that lovely shading that makes me look tanned. Hurrah! Enjoy :)

So now you know. If I'm acting like a parnoid weirdo... rest assured it's because I have my retainer in... don't mind me!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Picture Prayer

Morning Friends!

Some say a picture speaks a 1000 words but sometimes a picture needs to speak only 207 words. Today I share a constant prayer and thought on my heart, in picture format.

Monday, June 11, 2012

No More Pants

Yes, it has happened... I have finally hit my "No More Pants" summer mindset that comes around this time every year. Don't think all crazy on me before I explain myself though. No More Pants mindset means that I just don't want to wear pants anymore, particularly jeans or dress pants and definitely not sweat pants. So you may be thinking "Ummm... this is awkward" but rest assured instead of wearing pants I wear summer skirts and dresses! It's the most brilliant mindset to be in. It also goes along with my theory of dressing how you want to feel. I want to feel like it is summer, therefore I shall wear summer clothes until this happens.

Sidenote: Yesterday I wore a dress and it was a bit cloudy...
but today I wore a skirt and it got crazy sunny!
Now I'm not saying I have a lot of influence on the weather
but I'm not gonna make an experiment out of this and
start wearing snow pants and turtlenecks either.
End Sidenote.

While in my No More Pants mindset I decided to push myself a bit and do an exercise in letting go as well. I now introduce you to my latest self-challenge... I shall call it 30 Summer Days. Or maybe I'll change the name but for now it works.

Here's some background: After counting all my summer dresses that I have been gathering and collecting for the last probably five or six years I have come to the conclusion that I have way too many! Embarassingly too many... And worse, I don't even wear a good portion of them, sometimes weather is to be blamed, sometimes the "I have nothing to wear" mindset sneaks in and they become invisible...

Here's my plan: Regardless of weather, I shall wear a dress or skirt every day for the next 30 days and document it. After those 30 days and my extensive notetaking (in my brain) I will then eliminate all dresses that I don't even like anymore. I may even question why I bought some of them in the first place. But I obtained these dresses so I should wear them one last time before I make final decisions on which ones I all want to get rid of. And bonus for anyone reading, if you're my size, these dresses will be up for grabs for free ninety-nine. Hollah!

Here's my goal: I want to get rid of things that I don't need and/or use anymore. I'm doing this with many elements of my life so I figured I might as well do it with my closet as well, at least for my dresses anyways (I am not willing to start a 30 Winter Days in the middle of summer). Since it's still early summer, by the time my 30 days are up it will hopefully be full blown summer weather by then (my poweful influence on the weather and all, your welcome) and I will only have all my most favorite and practical dresses easily accessible. Win!

End Note: I'm going to look so Dutch.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Your Favourite Cup

I went to write an email today to a customer named Gord. I accidentally wrote this instead:

Dear God,

Now fortunately I noticed before I sent it (that would have been fun), but of course it threw me into Sherylynn’s Deep Thinking Time:  If I wrote a letter to God what would it say?

Would it be a list of questions:

Dear God,

Why is there cancer?
Did dinosaurs really have feathers?
Why is Chilliwack always so rainy?

Would it be a list of complaints:

Dear God,

My stupid oven broke, everything bad always happens to me.
My car got all dented from some jerk that hit and ran it.
I used to be a natural blonde, what happened, its so unfair!

Would it be a list of thank you’s:

Thank you for life yesterday.
Thank you for life today.
Thank you for sunshine and that the ozone layer is still in tact.

Would it be a list of _________:

This blog has now become a fill in the blank worksheet. Of only one question.

That is the thought of the day and get this I will go one step further as a special treat. If you’re mind tends to easily go the complaints route (it’s ok to admit it, I know I’ve got my hand up) perhaps that is because those are the thoughts or words most easily accessed in your mind. Think of it like this: When you take a cup out of the cupboard do you take all the other cups out so you can grab one from the very back? Not usually. You take what is most easily accessible. And I find this is similar to your thoughts and vocabulary used on a regular basis. If you constantly have pessimistic thoughts or negative language then that is what is going to show up on your “most used” mind list and your thoughts and mouth will easily refer to it.

Red Alert: Don’t lose hope!! The ‘most used’ list can be reset. This is double apparent to me today as updates on my computer have wiped out all my most commonly used work links. I love a good challenge. So basically, if you make a conscience effort to bring optimism forward, pessimistic thoughts and language will get pushed off the ‘most used’ list and your mind will begin to automatically refer to uplifting, encouraging, and thoughts of awesomeness. Notice I didn’t say it was easy… in fact it’s quite annoying at first. Back to cup/cupboard analogy: at first it is like taking all the other cups out one by one to grab a cup from the back, but then eventually the more you use that cup the more commonly its just been washed and is sitting at the front of the cupboard… just waiting to be used.

I leave you with this: “You rock” is way cooler than “you suck”.

Yep. Life changing quote right there. Bye friends!