Friday, November 4, 2011

Words trip overoneanother.

I went to write an incredible first sentence that gave a glimpse of how I feel right now and I had nothing besides "wow" which has lost a of its meaning in its overused state of today (much like the word epic... just saying)... and so I wrote this sentence. But now I say... wow...more correctly WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Because I have no better one word description. Did today just happen?!? This week just happen?!? I don't even know how to explain or express what is happening with my life, plus it is late. It is late because I have spent my night at Regen Conference at my church and then had 15 girls stay at my house. So awesome, I love it!! So once I got them all fed and in bed and finished some work stuff I now reflect on everything that happened and has happened lately. And I am overwhelmed on how God is using me for his glory. My heart is crying and breaking for the broken women of this world lately, I know how that pain can be and I don't want them to stay there. I literally cry, I plea for these women, they need to know their worth, that they are loved. And God is sending me these women. I have so much to process that I can't even explain further but I just had a night that freed me from more chains that somehow worked their way onto me. Oh I am light and I am heavy, but not burdened. The most incredible of freedom feelings and contentment and joy and I am totally rambling but again I do not have a big enough vocabulary to express myself right now. I scream JOY. (but in a quiet mute way as all 17 other people in this house right now are sleeping...)

Friends: come to Regen Conference. Simple as that.

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