Monday, April 30, 2012

Roller Coaster Waiting

A lot of talk on relationships lately. I mentioned a couple things to a group yesterday on said topic so I thought I might expand and repeat them here as my weekly pondering moment. Here we go, wooooweeeeeeeee…

Waiting for a relationship.
If you go to an amusement park you most likely have to wait to go on any ride and the one ride there that usually has the biggest line? The biggest roller coaster. (Even if you don’t, let’s pretend that we all love roller coasters. Perfect.) So while you are waiting in line to go on the rollercoaster you pretty much know two things.

The two things you know:
      1) There IS a roller coaster at the end of the line.
     2) If you get out of the line to go on any other ride when you come back you have to start back at the end of the line.

Let that simmer and I’ll add the following spices: This rollercoaster analogy can work for many things, but it especially works well for relationships, IMO. (That means “in my opinion,” I think, I’m not good at computer talk but I think I got that one figured out. Lol. Hags. Jk. idk.) So if you are single and you are constantly asking yourself why don’t I have a boyfriend/girlfriend, why aren’t I getting married, why why why? I like this approach to thinking about it… when you get to an amusement park, most likely you can’t just walk in, see the best roller coaster there and expect to be on it within seconds simply because you want to be on the ride. There are lines that you must wait through. Lines with a purpose because you know what is waiting for you at the end and that the wait makes the adventure even better. If you get tired of waiting and get out of the roller coaster ride to go on the twirl-a-whirl… guess what? You start back at the END of the line for the roller coaster. There is no budging, no tradesies, no holdsy-spotsies.

When you’re waiting for that great relationship you have to kind of do the same two things:
*Firstly, know what you are waiting for by figuring out what the best roller coaster is (traits you want in a relationship: beliefs, companionship, adventure, etc.). If you don’t know what kind of roller coaster you are waiting for or wonder if a roller coaster even exists at the end of your line, then you are not waiting… you are simply standing somewhere.
*Secondly, if you get tired of waiting for that sought after relationship and simply settle for a cheaper version until the right relationship comes about… you are actually delaying the process. Much the same as if you are waiting in the line for a roller coaster and leave the line for the twirl-a-whirl. Going on all the other distracting rides will never get you closer to the main attraction roller coaster unless you set your sights on it and wait in that line.

Am I being too blunt? I hope not. Am I making any sense? I hope so, and as I don’t mean to be discouraging to anyone and/or insinuating that you may be waiting for forever I will go one step further. When waiting in any line you can have a great time or you can have a miserable time. Next time you find yourself in a line (literally) keep an eye on how different people deal with it aka people watch. I suggest grocery stores. How are the people in front of you and behind you reacting? Are they staring blankly? Laughing with a  friend? On the phone? Swearing and complaining under their breath at the delay? Talking happily to those around them? Organizing their purse/bag? Basically, are they being productive or unproductive? What are their attitudes like? What friends and attitudes of your own do you have that make lines easier and more fun to be in?

P.s. Those are my ponderings for the day, would love to hear your guys’ thoughts as well. Have a great day friends!

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