Picture a snail
Cute, ok good.
Now picture seeing that snail on the ground as you are walking.
Is your first thought when you see this snail, "Oh my gosh!! He's so behind, he's losing the race!! What's wrong with him!!!!!!"
I am guessing not. In my typical Sunshiney Day if I see a snail moving along, well ok I probably don't think much about it to be honest, but I also don't analyze this snail thinking that it is way behind on its journey to wherever it is going.
Stay with me, this is getting good...
Ok, now picture seeing two snails:
Does it now seem more likely that you will think one of the snails is falling behind? In this case obviously the snail on the left is behind. You can think whatever you want as these snails may not be racing at all, but simply headed in the same direction at different speeds.
Don't worry, there is a point to this. I'll tell you now...
In your own life you may be moving along on your own path completely unconcerned about how long it takes you to get wherever it is you're going.
- It is only when you start comparing yourself to other people that the idea is planted that you might be in some sort of 'race'.
- It is only when you start comparing yourself to the expectations that others have put upon you that you feel like your are losing the 'race'.
- It is only when you start comparing yourself to the gifts of others that you feel somehow you are inadequate and have lost the 'race'.
I came upon this verse yesterday and it is beautiful and freeing:
"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:16
How can you get behind a life that is already perfectly planned out specifically for you?
Does this mean you can sit on your butt and life will come to you? No.
Does it mean you still have to take action to live to your full potential? HECK YES!
Friends, you have an amazing life plan set out before you. A life plan specific for you. An incredible plan. Even if you are moving at a snails pace keep yourself moving so that when you receive opportunities or guidance to be steered in another direction you already have the momentum going to get to that place quicker.
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