Friends, the day has come. Yes, it is Monday, but it is also the Monday in which I have hit 100 posts on my blog (some have not actually been published for you to read but they are there). While I never intended to actually write for as long as I did, or as frequently as I did, I am proud and glad for my accomplishment and learned many things along the way. Some posts I enjoy more than others, some posts I want to delete, some posts I am inspired from and wonder at God's ability to speak through me, aaaand some posts all I read is sleep deprivation. I am glad for everything that has been written and that I have something to look back on for forever, but now I must look forward to other dreams and goals that I have.
For about the last year I have posted every Monday (or the early hours of Tuesday if we are getting technical here), to ensure that I would keep regularly writing and then of course start writing books and follow that dream. But here's the thing.. in the last three years of having my blog I have not finished a book; I have worked towards one and put some things together, yes, but I have not completed one. And so, today I tell you that I am taking a temporary step away from my Monday night postings and probably just posting in general. It's not you, it's me. Sometimes you have to evaluate your life and if you haven't gotten to where you wanted to be yet, then you have to change something. It doesn't matter if you are in a pattern and used to writing a certain night each week, if you aren't seeing the results you dream of then you must make a change to what you are doing to achieve them.
And so even though I leave from Sunshiney Days it doesn't mean that I have stopped writing or failed at my Monday night posting goal, it means that I am pushing myself to become more determined to achieve a big goal. To reach this big goal I guess you could say that I am sacrificing or putting aside a few stepping stone goals as I have become too dependent on them. Instead of putting effort towards writing a book, I use what energy I have left on a Monday night to put together a posting. I became too comfortable with only Monday night postings and that isn't good. I have bigger dreams than that!
Friends, for this next little while where I won't be regularly posting I encourage you to also look within your heart at your goals and dreams. Are you accomplishing or working towards your goals? Your dreams? What's holding you back? Don't be afraid to lower your focus in one area of 'stepping stone' goals if it means jumping up to work towards your 'main stage' goals. Hopefully that makes sense. I know you all have incredible talent and I encourage you not to be afraid of that talent and what God has intended for your life, even if it means doing a few things out of your comfort zone.
As always, I am super thankful for you all of you who take the time to read my blog and I am excited to one day post about where you can get my newly published book. It's going to be an exciting time and I look towards it. Thank you friends, feel free to come back to Sunshiney Days if you are having a bad day and need to re-read a post, any time. Love to you all!
Lastly, I leave you with this... one of my first blog posts that continues to be on my mind in my day to day life:
Life is crazy. Sometimes it's better to just pretend that you are in the middle of a reality TV show, one with so many twists, turns, and lessons that it's hard to keep up. But it's fun, isn't it? Commencing exploring life with a Sunshiney attitude of great joy, love and excitement.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Advertising Blame
Ahh Mondays, you just never know what kind of day you might get. Will it be a slow and mellow day? Perchance a day that you get a promotion? Perhaps a day where you get not seven but EIGHT M&Ms out of the candy machine? Or maybe it's a day where your building's electrical supply almost gets taken out by a forklift. You just never know.
Today, I had one of the above happened to me. And I observed the people around me after what I shall call 'the incident' occurred. There were basically two reactions to the incident. Let me give you two over dramatic reaction scenarious to help give a better picture:
You got EIGHT m&ms!!
ok just kidding... here they really are:
1) The No-Name Brand
"Where is everybody?" said person one.
"Oh, somebody accidentally snagged the powerline and they are outside helping to fix it and ensure we don't get electrocuted." said person two.
"Crazy, ok I will talk to them later," said person one.
2) Blame Advertisement
"Where is everybody?" said one person.
"Oh, (name of person) hit the powerline. What a goof, he totally wasn't paying attention to what he was doing." said person two.
"Pff, this totally doesn't surprise me, he would do that." said person one.
Do you see what's happening there? When the person in charge of supplying information responded calmly with a 'No-Name Brand' story as to what happened, focusing on the solution to the incident, others responded in the same pattern. When the person answering decided to focus on the unfortunate event and putting the blame onto somebody directly, others also responded in the same pattern building on that blame.
I think sadly sometimes we forget how much power we have over our conversations by the words and attitudes that we choose to utilize. Every one of us carries the power to build up or tear down, to encourage or to destroy and to speak pleasantly or rudely. I know I can be better in conversations, I will be the first to confess that I forget the power of conversation and the power that I have to keep the talk on a positive note, looking towards solutions, as opposed to focusing on the incidents of everyday life. We obviously can't control what anyone else around us will say or do but we can control ourselves. (And if you can't, then keep trying and you will get there.) This week I encourage you to honestly think before you speak, which seems like standard advice but let's take it to the adult level. Ask yourself if you are putting blame on someone when there is no need, are you focusing on the solution or the incident/problem or are the words that you are speaking ones that will encourage or discourage?
If someone over heard your conversation about them would they smile and feel good about themselves or would they feel like crying and want to avoid you?
I strive to be better and don't always succeed, but I shall persist until my brain is so focused on optimism that positivity will be the only thing within me to come tumbling out.
Praying for positive and uplifting conversations for you all this week!
Today, I had one of the above happened to me. And I observed the people around me after what I shall call 'the incident' occurred. There were basically two reactions to the incident. Let me give you two over dramatic reaction scenarious to help give a better picture:
You got EIGHT m&ms!!
ok just kidding... here they really are:
1) The No-Name Brand
"Where is everybody?" said person one.
"Oh, somebody accidentally snagged the powerline and they are outside helping to fix it and ensure we don't get electrocuted." said person two.
"Crazy, ok I will talk to them later," said person one.
2) Blame Advertisement
"Where is everybody?" said one person.
"Oh, (name of person) hit the powerline. What a goof, he totally wasn't paying attention to what he was doing." said person two.
"Pff, this totally doesn't surprise me, he would do that." said person one.
Do you see what's happening there? When the person in charge of supplying information responded calmly with a 'No-Name Brand' story as to what happened, focusing on the solution to the incident, others responded in the same pattern. When the person answering decided to focus on the unfortunate event and putting the blame onto somebody directly, others also responded in the same pattern building on that blame.
I think sadly sometimes we forget how much power we have over our conversations by the words and attitudes that we choose to utilize. Every one of us carries the power to build up or tear down, to encourage or to destroy and to speak pleasantly or rudely. I know I can be better in conversations, I will be the first to confess that I forget the power of conversation and the power that I have to keep the talk on a positive note, looking towards solutions, as opposed to focusing on the incidents of everyday life. We obviously can't control what anyone else around us will say or do but we can control ourselves. (And if you can't, then keep trying and you will get there.) This week I encourage you to honestly think before you speak, which seems like standard advice but let's take it to the adult level. Ask yourself if you are putting blame on someone when there is no need, are you focusing on the solution or the incident/problem or are the words that you are speaking ones that will encourage or discourage?
If someone over heard your conversation about them would they smile and feel good about themselves or would they feel like crying and want to avoid you?
I strive to be better and don't always succeed, but I shall persist until my brain is so focused on optimism that positivity will be the only thing within me to come tumbling out.
Praying for positive and uplifting conversations for you all this week!
Monday, May 6, 2013
A Fruit Crisp Community
I made a fruit crisp tonight for the first time ever. And while that may surprise some people I think it's important to note that while I don't believe I have ever fully made one before I have spent many a time perfecting my ability to eat fruit crisp... most importantly, apple crisp.
So anyways, I don't have some super big reason for telling you that other than I had a really good night. One of those nights where you just feel good about doing mellow things but yet having a fantastic time. I came home from work just knowing that tonight was a good night to have "our first dinner out on the patio of 2013". And so we did. I cooked and baked up a storm and was super excited for fresh air and lemon/mint water while eating all the food. We invited an elderly friend of ours that we live with (we live in her basement), and she came and had dinner with us too. That feels awesome. Andrew invited her to come eat with us and she mentioned that she was heating up some food but decided to come and join us anyways. It was such a blessing to have her with us and not eating by herself. I went downstairs to grab the apple and peach fruit crisp and by the time I came back to the patio another elderly lady had shown up! A few minutes later my cousin showed up and we made sure that we got all the new guests some fruit crisp as well. (Sidenote: The fruit crisp was an absolute hit, yessssssssssss). Such a relaxed feeling that people can just show up and start eating.
Community. Yes, that's what it was tonight, that's what I am talking about. Phew, glad it finally came to me. Even though I am tired now and ready to go to bed I guess I was just reminded tonight about why community and being with people that just accept you is so important. If you think that community doesn't apply to you because nobdy ever invites you over... ponder this, what kind of community can YOU invite people into? It doesn't have to be about food, although that's always a fun thing to gather around, but look for opportunities to bring together the young and the old to simply talk and share life with, it's an incredible sight and experience.
Those are my thoughts for tonight. While it gets tricky to slow life down every now and then it is important to let yourself be part of a community more often than not. Slow your schedule, delay some errands and just be with people or invite people over to talk about life. The good, the bad, the frustrating, and the dreams; summer is coming and that means outdoor patio parties and people. Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of a community of people, whether self made or joining in, it's going to be a good year.
So anyways, I don't have some super big reason for telling you that other than I had a really good night. One of those nights where you just feel good about doing mellow things but yet having a fantastic time. I came home from work just knowing that tonight was a good night to have "our first dinner out on the patio of 2013". And so we did. I cooked and baked up a storm and was super excited for fresh air and lemon/mint water while eating all the food. We invited an elderly friend of ours that we live with (we live in her basement), and she came and had dinner with us too. That feels awesome. Andrew invited her to come eat with us and she mentioned that she was heating up some food but decided to come and join us anyways. It was such a blessing to have her with us and not eating by herself. I went downstairs to grab the apple and peach fruit crisp and by the time I came back to the patio another elderly lady had shown up! A few minutes later my cousin showed up and we made sure that we got all the new guests some fruit crisp as well. (Sidenote: The fruit crisp was an absolute hit, yessssssssssss). Such a relaxed feeling that people can just show up and start eating.
Community. Yes, that's what it was tonight, that's what I am talking about. Phew, glad it finally came to me. Even though I am tired now and ready to go to bed I guess I was just reminded tonight about why community and being with people that just accept you is so important. If you think that community doesn't apply to you because nobdy ever invites you over... ponder this, what kind of community can YOU invite people into? It doesn't have to be about food, although that's always a fun thing to gather around, but look for opportunities to bring together the young and the old to simply talk and share life with, it's an incredible sight and experience.
Those are my thoughts for tonight. While it gets tricky to slow life down every now and then it is important to let yourself be part of a community more often than not. Slow your schedule, delay some errands and just be with people or invite people over to talk about life. The good, the bad, the frustrating, and the dreams; summer is coming and that means outdoor patio parties and people. Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of a community of people, whether self made or joining in, it's going to be a good year.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Road Kill Focus
Hello my party friends!
Have you ever realized that sometimes you catch yourself staring at the problems in life instead of the entertainment?
For instance, the other day as Andrew and I were driving down the road I was rambling on about the dead squirrel coming up on the road. We got closer to the dead squirrel that had unfortunately been obliterated by cars and I was quite concerned that Andrew would hit a piece of it. (P.s. Gross) So anyways we pass by the dead squirrel without any real problems... phew! ... but then Andrew just looks over at me and he's got this shocked look on his face and asks how in the world I missed seeing that guy. I didn't see any guy. I had no idea what he was talking about.
I quickly spun around in my seat to look out the back window and realized that for some reason this guy was walking down the sidewalk with these jumbo metal stilt things attached to his legs making him about 10 feet tall... or maybe 8. Anyways, it was a crazy sight and I had almost completely missed seeing it! All because I was so focused on a dead squirrel. My life wouldn't have been drastically changed obviously but I think it's interesting to note that sometimes we can get so focused on things that bring us down that we lose sight of things that have laughter and life!
Life is crazy, this is not the first time I have said this or realized this. There will always be things that will want your attention, such as finances, relationships, illnesses, responsibilities, big decisions, etc., but I think it's important to not be so focused on these things that we lose sight of the everyday joy that life has. Some people are able to have a wider focus on life and they know that hitting a dead squirrel with their car won't really cause any damage, but waving at a unique individual on stilts... you don't want to miss opportunities like that, for however they look in your own life.
I go to sleep now. I just wanted to touch base on this topic. :)
Be joyful and find joy this week friends.
P.s. it's easier to do when you're not focused on dead squirrels.
ok bye!! Have a great week!
Have you ever realized that sometimes you catch yourself staring at the problems in life instead of the entertainment?
For instance, the other day as Andrew and I were driving down the road I was rambling on about the dead squirrel coming up on the road. We got closer to the dead squirrel that had unfortunately been obliterated by cars and I was quite concerned that Andrew would hit a piece of it. (P.s. Gross) So anyways we pass by the dead squirrel without any real problems... phew! ... but then Andrew just looks over at me and he's got this shocked look on his face and asks how in the world I missed seeing that guy. I didn't see any guy. I had no idea what he was talking about.
I quickly spun around in my seat to look out the back window and realized that for some reason this guy was walking down the sidewalk with these jumbo metal stilt things attached to his legs making him about 10 feet tall... or maybe 8. Anyways, it was a crazy sight and I had almost completely missed seeing it! All because I was so focused on a dead squirrel. My life wouldn't have been drastically changed obviously but I think it's interesting to note that sometimes we can get so focused on things that bring us down that we lose sight of things that have laughter and life!
Life is crazy, this is not the first time I have said this or realized this. There will always be things that will want your attention, such as finances, relationships, illnesses, responsibilities, big decisions, etc., but I think it's important to not be so focused on these things that we lose sight of the everyday joy that life has. Some people are able to have a wider focus on life and they know that hitting a dead squirrel with their car won't really cause any damage, but waving at a unique individual on stilts... you don't want to miss opportunities like that, for however they look in your own life.
I go to sleep now. I just wanted to touch base on this topic. :)
Be joyful and find joy this week friends.
P.s. it's easier to do when you're not focused on dead squirrels.
ok bye!! Have a great week!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Hey, you're cool.
Monday monday monday!!
FRIENDS!! I am alive and well this week... I just baked some coffee cake muffins (my husband thinks they are delicious), I'm doing some laundry, I have some tea, it was amazingly sunny today, the house is tidy, I like my earrings ahhh fantastic. Excited to be dreaming again this week and chasing goals and I'm feeeelinggg gooood, as Michael Buble would say. I hope you are feeling the same after whatever your day held! It's good to feel good. Let's write!
I would like to talk to you today about a real life true story that happened:
One day in the nearby past I was sitting down with my husband working on thank you cards from our wedding (better late than never and that's all I will say on that as my guilt expands a little more each day that they haven't been finished yet... the guilt! the guilt!) and we were going down the list, each of us focused on writing out our cards for friends and family. After a while I asked Andrew if he was remembering to actually say thank you and mention the exact gift that the guest had given us (it dawned on me that men don't typically write thank you cards after showers or parties or weddings, etc.). So anyways, Andrew just kind of looks up at me from the card he was writing with this super cute blank look and says, "No... I was just kinda... writing about what I thought of them." Which I think is so adorable and funny and made me laugh. Andrew thinks highly of everybody so he was just loving the opportunity to handout cards that tell all our guests how awesome he thinks they are. And I bet they are going to love getting those cards!
So anyways, I was just thinking on that today and it occurred to me how fun it would be if people took time out of their day to just sit and write 'you're awesome' notes to people. Not for any particular reason, not to say thank you for a gift or service, but just to spotlight a friend, family member or stranger. Just a quick card (or email, etc.) to say "hey I think you are awesome because of these reasons (but you would actually give reasons)". For extra fun you could even leave your name off of the card. Mysteries keep the mind young. (Probably.)
Now I think of this because one of the things I know in life is this:
People like to be complimented and told that they are cool.
Whether people actually receive the compliment or deflect it is a totally different story, but this much I also know: written comments are harder for people to interrupt or deny. A written comment such as 'you rock' can put a bounce in someones step, but a written paragraph detailing on how and why 'you rock' puts a smile on people's hearts. Apparently I know a lot of things today, because I also know this: a good portion of the time the person taking the time to write out compliments or spotlight somebody else, also ends up feeling more excited and happy about THEIR day.
Dare to care my friends. Dare to care.
I guess on this great day, ahh yes, earth day, I just wanted to highlight the idea and practice of complimenting one another again. Not on the dress or shoes they are wearing (although that's totally splendid don't get me wrong), but one upping our compliments to the actual character and heart of the person themself. Instead of being intimidated or challenged by another person, note what stands out to you about them and don't be afraid to compliment someone on a character trait that you are still working towards.
In closing, people like to be appreciated, especially when they least expect it... so to all those that read my blog every week, I think you are super cool. I may not know every single one of you but I feel confident in saying that you all have completely unique personalities and character traits that everyone can learn something from. You are unique and special and I hope that when you start off each new day you are refreshed in that you get another day of just being you! Have a fantastic week my friends!
FRIENDS!! I am alive and well this week... I just baked some coffee cake muffins (my husband thinks they are delicious), I'm doing some laundry, I have some tea, it was amazingly sunny today, the house is tidy, I like my earrings ahhh fantastic. Excited to be dreaming again this week and chasing goals and I'm feeeelinggg gooood, as Michael Buble would say. I hope you are feeling the same after whatever your day held! It's good to feel good. Let's write!
I would like to talk to you today about a real life true story that happened:
One day in the nearby past I was sitting down with my husband working on thank you cards from our wedding (better late than never and that's all I will say on that as my guilt expands a little more each day that they haven't been finished yet... the guilt! the guilt!) and we were going down the list, each of us focused on writing out our cards for friends and family. After a while I asked Andrew if he was remembering to actually say thank you and mention the exact gift that the guest had given us (it dawned on me that men don't typically write thank you cards after showers or parties or weddings, etc.). So anyways, Andrew just kind of looks up at me from the card he was writing with this super cute blank look and says, "No... I was just kinda... writing about what I thought of them." Which I think is so adorable and funny and made me laugh. Andrew thinks highly of everybody so he was just loving the opportunity to handout cards that tell all our guests how awesome he thinks they are. And I bet they are going to love getting those cards!
So anyways, I was just thinking on that today and it occurred to me how fun it would be if people took time out of their day to just sit and write 'you're awesome' notes to people. Not for any particular reason, not to say thank you for a gift or service, but just to spotlight a friend, family member or stranger. Just a quick card (or email, etc.) to say "hey I think you are awesome because of these reasons (but you would actually give reasons)". For extra fun you could even leave your name off of the card. Mysteries keep the mind young. (Probably.)
Now I think of this because one of the things I know in life is this:
People like to be complimented and told that they are cool.
Whether people actually receive the compliment or deflect it is a totally different story, but this much I also know: written comments are harder for people to interrupt or deny. A written comment such as 'you rock' can put a bounce in someones step, but a written paragraph detailing on how and why 'you rock' puts a smile on people's hearts. Apparently I know a lot of things today, because I also know this: a good portion of the time the person taking the time to write out compliments or spotlight somebody else, also ends up feeling more excited and happy about THEIR day.
Dare to care my friends. Dare to care.
I guess on this great day, ahh yes, earth day, I just wanted to highlight the idea and practice of complimenting one another again. Not on the dress or shoes they are wearing (although that's totally splendid don't get me wrong), but one upping our compliments to the actual character and heart of the person themself. Instead of being intimidated or challenged by another person, note what stands out to you about them and don't be afraid to compliment someone on a character trait that you are still working towards.
In closing, people like to be appreciated, especially when they least expect it... so to all those that read my blog every week, I think you are super cool. I may not know every single one of you but I feel confident in saying that you all have completely unique personalities and character traits that everyone can learn something from. You are unique and special and I hope that when you start off each new day you are refreshed in that you get another day of just being you! Have a fantastic week my friends!
Monday, April 15, 2013
I would rather be sleeping too.
I will just come out and say it... I'm annoyed with my dream today.
That's probably bad to say, but I feel it in my eyelids.
Fact is, what I would like to be doing right now is sleeping. It doesn't matter what time it is really, I just wish I was sleeping, not typing, not trying to pluck a topic from my fading brain, and not pushing myself to somehow encourage somebody within my Monday post. I shouldn't have admitted that maybe... sometimes it doesn't come naturally because all you see are your complaints and situations swirling in front of you. I think the worst part for me right now is that it is totally ME making myself stay up and write something for today. My own sliver of motivation!
I guess you could say that I'm annoyed with the part of me that just won't give up already! I mean come on Sherylynn... you haven't finished your poetry book, your other book, or even compiled all your blog posts into a book, yet you still dream of being a writer? But yet, I know that one late night emotion should not hide all my day time motivation, and so I continue typing. My late night bipolar self fights with ... herself.
Ahhh It's a confusing time.
I believe I am not the only one though, I guess that's where I am going with this. As my trustworthy facebook news feed has updated me, today starts a week of crunch time in the university world. Essays, studying, finals, presentations, all that fun. If you haven't gotten to that point yet where it's late at night and your assignment is no where near being done and you feel so overwhelmed and you would cry but you just don't have the energy and all you want to do is not fail and just sleeeeeeep... then I am glad I got to you first. If you are at that stage, that's ok too. I can work with that.
I don't have so many great words of wisdom that will miraculously help you finish every single one of your papers/presentations/studying, etc., but I do have a God that encourages, protects, sustains, inspires and loves all the students. Also, I used to succesfully(well more or less) run on about 4-5 hours of sleep for four months straight, but at some point on my late studying sessions I just wanted to hear that somebody else understood the pressure and panic that I felt at that moment.
So now... whether you are taking a break or just down right delaying your next batch of intense study, have it in your hearts that I am praying for you tonight to flourish in whatever assignment you are working on, that though my pressures may have been different and my current dreams are probably different than yours, I understand your desire to grasp that last little bit of motivation to finish off your assignment, as well as the semester.
I just want you to know that you can do it. Don't doubt it, question it or deny it. You can do it and I am proud of you for making it this far. Don't forget how great and talented you are!
Love to all my student friends these next few weeks.
(Non-student friends, throw aside jealousy, I have love for you too!)
That's probably bad to say, but I feel it in my eyelids.
Fact is, what I would like to be doing right now is sleeping. It doesn't matter what time it is really, I just wish I was sleeping, not typing, not trying to pluck a topic from my fading brain, and not pushing myself to somehow encourage somebody within my Monday post. I shouldn't have admitted that maybe... sometimes it doesn't come naturally because all you see are your complaints and situations swirling in front of you. I think the worst part for me right now is that it is totally ME making myself stay up and write something for today. My own sliver of motivation!
I guess you could say that I'm annoyed with the part of me that just won't give up already! I mean come on Sherylynn... you haven't finished your poetry book, your other book, or even compiled all your blog posts into a book, yet you still dream of being a writer? But yet, I know that one late night emotion should not hide all my day time motivation, and so I continue typing. My late night bipolar self fights with ... herself.
Ahhh It's a confusing time.
I believe I am not the only one though, I guess that's where I am going with this. As my trustworthy facebook news feed has updated me, today starts a week of crunch time in the university world. Essays, studying, finals, presentations, all that fun. If you haven't gotten to that point yet where it's late at night and your assignment is no where near being done and you feel so overwhelmed and you would cry but you just don't have the energy and all you want to do is not fail and just sleeeeeeep... then I am glad I got to you first. If you are at that stage, that's ok too. I can work with that.
I don't have so many great words of wisdom that will miraculously help you finish every single one of your papers/presentations/studying, etc., but I do have a God that encourages, protects, sustains, inspires and loves all the students. Also, I used to succesfully(well more or less) run on about 4-5 hours of sleep for four months straight, but at some point on my late studying sessions I just wanted to hear that somebody else understood the pressure and panic that I felt at that moment.
So now... whether you are taking a break or just down right delaying your next batch of intense study, have it in your hearts that I am praying for you tonight to flourish in whatever assignment you are working on, that though my pressures may have been different and my current dreams are probably different than yours, I understand your desire to grasp that last little bit of motivation to finish off your assignment, as well as the semester.
I just want you to know that you can do it. Don't doubt it, question it or deny it. You can do it and I am proud of you for making it this far. Don't forget how great and talented you are!
Love to all my student friends these next few weeks.
(Non-student friends, throw aside jealousy, I have love for you too!)
Monday, April 8, 2013
Am I Being Crazy?
Sometimes, you just have to ask yourself that question.
For starters, I am not meaning to shine a 'bad spotlight' on women these last few weeks but largely this question has been swirling in my mind from the fact that sometimes, girls are just crazy. Why? Because we have about 120 different main emotions, complete with 194,490 sub-emotions, and approximately 3,438 thoughts connected to every one of those emotions that has the ability to automatically respond to someone in about 478,289 different ways.
Don't quote those as true facts.
But I'm probably pretty close.
These 'crazy' thoughts stem from this book I've been reading lately called 'Brain on Fire' by Susannah Cahalan (if you want to look it up) which follows Susannah's path on being diagnosed in the last few years with this extremely rare autoimmune disease that actually made her brain, and ultimatley herself, go crazy!
Obviously I don't believe myself to have this disease, but Susannah brings up some interesting thoughts when she evaluates herself to see if she is possibly relapsing back into the paranoia that initially started her whole sickness. She takes the time to quickly analyze her thoughts, reactions and actions to ensure she is on the right path for peaceful emotions.
Self-evaluation, this is great. When you find yourself in a situation where a person is looking at you incredulously, this is a splendid time to ask yourself, "Am I being crazy? Am I completely over reacting to this? Should I go for a walk and calm down? Am I being absolutely paranoid for no reason?" These are good thoughts to have. Whether you are single, dating, married, etc. and you are a woman, you will always come across situations where friendships, relationships, coworkers, etc. will make you upset to some degree. What to do at this point?! Self-evaluation. Take a quick second to pinpoint what it is that makes you the most upset and what other emotions are flowing out of that. I encourage you to steer away from the evaluation of who is right or wrong, but reflect within yourself and see how you can control your reaction.
Being a married lady now I try and stay on top of this and be aware that sometimes I will just act and react absolutely crazy (not that I try so hard to be normal the rest of the time..). I just don't even know what to do with myself sometimes though, let alone explain to my husband why I'm completely over reacting to something. Ahhh life. Women. Men must love us and want to run from us all at the same time sometimes. My husband is remarkable though and understands that sometimes the sorting of emotions is a process before I can figure out what it is that bothers me so; sometimes I just need a nap, sometimes it's looking back at something somebody else may have said to me, other times it's some pizza, sometimes just give me a hug and make me stop talking! He's fantastic. We will always be learning.
So to wrap up here, my thoughts this week are thoughts of encouragement for women to be aware that A) we have a lot of emotions and B) this isn't a bad thing we just have to be aware and use these emotions wisely. I really think that asking yourself in the middle of a dispute or a breakdown "Am I being crazy?" will help give you a new perspective on how your 'argument' may appear to the other person at that moment and ultimately, bring you back to a stable emotional level. Also, I think we would be easier for our brothers, dads, boyfriends, guy friends, and husbands to understand us just that little bit better. I promise you we will still remain a great mystery to them.
Ladies... be beautiful and fantastic this week, embracing those emotions but not letting them run wild to cause unneccessary emotional mudslides of your personality. Much love, much love.
For starters, I am not meaning to shine a 'bad spotlight' on women these last few weeks but largely this question has been swirling in my mind from the fact that sometimes, girls are just crazy. Why? Because we have about 120 different main emotions, complete with 194,490 sub-emotions, and approximately 3,438 thoughts connected to every one of those emotions that has the ability to automatically respond to someone in about 478,289 different ways.
Don't quote those as true facts.
But I'm probably pretty close.
These 'crazy' thoughts stem from this book I've been reading lately called 'Brain on Fire' by Susannah Cahalan (if you want to look it up) which follows Susannah's path on being diagnosed in the last few years with this extremely rare autoimmune disease that actually made her brain, and ultimatley herself, go crazy!
Obviously I don't believe myself to have this disease, but Susannah brings up some interesting thoughts when she evaluates herself to see if she is possibly relapsing back into the paranoia that initially started her whole sickness. She takes the time to quickly analyze her thoughts, reactions and actions to ensure she is on the right path for peaceful emotions.
Self-evaluation, this is great. When you find yourself in a situation where a person is looking at you incredulously, this is a splendid time to ask yourself, "Am I being crazy? Am I completely over reacting to this? Should I go for a walk and calm down? Am I being absolutely paranoid for no reason?" These are good thoughts to have. Whether you are single, dating, married, etc. and you are a woman, you will always come across situations where friendships, relationships, coworkers, etc. will make you upset to some degree. What to do at this point?! Self-evaluation. Take a quick second to pinpoint what it is that makes you the most upset and what other emotions are flowing out of that. I encourage you to steer away from the evaluation of who is right or wrong, but reflect within yourself and see how you can control your reaction.
Being a married lady now I try and stay on top of this and be aware that sometimes I will just act and react absolutely crazy (not that I try so hard to be normal the rest of the time..). I just don't even know what to do with myself sometimes though, let alone explain to my husband why I'm completely over reacting to something. Ahhh life. Women. Men must love us and want to run from us all at the same time sometimes. My husband is remarkable though and understands that sometimes the sorting of emotions is a process before I can figure out what it is that bothers me so; sometimes I just need a nap, sometimes it's looking back at something somebody else may have said to me, other times it's some pizza, sometimes just give me a hug and make me stop talking! He's fantastic. We will always be learning.
So to wrap up here, my thoughts this week are thoughts of encouragement for women to be aware that A) we have a lot of emotions and B) this isn't a bad thing we just have to be aware and use these emotions wisely. I really think that asking yourself in the middle of a dispute or a breakdown "Am I being crazy?" will help give you a new perspective on how your 'argument' may appear to the other person at that moment and ultimately, bring you back to a stable emotional level. Also, I think we would be easier for our brothers, dads, boyfriends, guy friends, and husbands to understand us just that little bit better. I promise you we will still remain a great mystery to them.
Ladies... be beautiful and fantastic this week, embracing those emotions but not letting them run wild to cause unneccessary emotional mudslides of your personality. Much love, much love.
Monday, April 1, 2013
The Female World: Alarming
Greetings my fellow night owls and friends.
Today I bring you some ramblings from the part of my brain that says many fun and random things at night time, at that point when I should cave and go to bed but I still want to get my weekly writing in. Let's see what happens.
Lately I have been people watching. Lately meaning the last 25 years. And as I people watch I am quite alarmed by females. If I wasn't one of them I would probably want to shy away from the species. Many can be intimidating in what they wear, say and do. I'm not trying to point fingers or cause guilt or say that I am perfect (bahahah), that is not my intent, I just have a concern on my heart for this unique group of humans.
After weeks, maybe months, of invisible note taking and zero evidence collecting I have come up with the following conclusions on where my concerns stem from:
1) Many girls want to be considered hot.
2) Many girls want reassurance that they have a good body, face, smile, hair, makeup, style, etc.
3) Self photos, apparently known as "selfies", are alarmingly taking over the female world.
4) A good portion of girls don't realize how much they are loved and cherished.
And by girls I mean young women.
So I don't want to overwhelm myself or yourself with taking on such a huge topic or give an entire essay to read on this topic but I have these "tidbit thoughts" I will share for tonight.
One day Facebook began and "Selfies" began to overtake my news feed... self photos of young women in mirrors. Mirrors everywhere with awkward full body shots and cleavage and tight clothing and this big white circle from the flash, and a hand holding a camera, and then some duck face got invented and it all became too much for me. Sometimes I feel like a toddler stuck in the 'Why? Why? Why? Why? But WHY?' stage when I go on facebook. I can't quite grasp these pictures of women that I feel don't portray the strength and confidence that is within them. Women have worth, not a price tag, and self-confidence is not portrayed in a full body shot of yourself, but in knowing that there is a peace within. A peace that comes from knowing that you were created for a purpose, you are cherished, you are loved, you are not just a body to be admired, commented on or 'like'd. I think you are awesome. Take pride in you and all the wonderful unique thoughts, goals, dreams and character that have been given to you specifically.
Ladies, friends, night owls... be amazing and fantastic this week. I pray that confidence and peace will well up inside of you. When joy overflows from the inside, it's ok to keep secrets from facebook and instead share that joy, self-confidence and contentment with a friend! A real live friend!
Today I bring you some ramblings from the part of my brain that says many fun and random things at night time, at that point when I should cave and go to bed but I still want to get my weekly writing in. Let's see what happens.
Lately I have been people watching. Lately meaning the last 25 years. And as I people watch I am quite alarmed by females. If I wasn't one of them I would probably want to shy away from the species. Many can be intimidating in what they wear, say and do. I'm not trying to point fingers or cause guilt or say that I am perfect (bahahah), that is not my intent, I just have a concern on my heart for this unique group of humans.
After weeks, maybe months, of invisible note taking and zero evidence collecting I have come up with the following conclusions on where my concerns stem from:
1) Many girls want to be considered hot.
2) Many girls want reassurance that they have a good body, face, smile, hair, makeup, style, etc.
3) Self photos, apparently known as "selfies", are alarmingly taking over the female world.
4) A good portion of girls don't realize how much they are loved and cherished.
And by girls I mean young women.
So I don't want to overwhelm myself or yourself with taking on such a huge topic or give an entire essay to read on this topic but I have these "tidbit thoughts" I will share for tonight.
One day Facebook began and "Selfies" began to overtake my news feed... self photos of young women in mirrors. Mirrors everywhere with awkward full body shots and cleavage and tight clothing and this big white circle from the flash, and a hand holding a camera, and then some duck face got invented and it all became too much for me. Sometimes I feel like a toddler stuck in the 'Why? Why? Why? Why? But WHY?' stage when I go on facebook. I can't quite grasp these pictures of women that I feel don't portray the strength and confidence that is within them. Women have worth, not a price tag, and self-confidence is not portrayed in a full body shot of yourself, but in knowing that there is a peace within. A peace that comes from knowing that you were created for a purpose, you are cherished, you are loved, you are not just a body to be admired, commented on or 'like'd. I think you are awesome. Take pride in you and all the wonderful unique thoughts, goals, dreams and character that have been given to you specifically.
Ladies, friends, night owls... be amazing and fantastic this week. I pray that confidence and peace will well up inside of you. When joy overflows from the inside, it's ok to keep secrets from facebook and instead share that joy, self-confidence and contentment with a friend! A real live friend!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Strategic Placement Dating
Friends, I will again give you some unrequested tips on dating this week. Your welcome.
Today I shall share another lesson I have learned on dating: don't strategically place yourself to get a guys attention.
You may be confused what I mean when I say strategic placement. Let me explain through the use of some situations you may or may not have thought to yourself when attempting to get a males attention:
I'm going to stay online all day, then maybe we can facebook chat, maybe even skype.
I'll make sure to be the last one at his party because "I am waiting for my ride".
I know where he usually grabs coffee in the morning, that's where I'm going to start going too.
I'm going to walk my dog around his neighbourhood hoping he sees me, even though I live across town.
If I switch banks to his bank I think we might run into each other more.
I'm going to wear his favorite colour for a conversation starter.
I just found out which is his favorite clothing store, I'll try and get a job there.
I'll 'accidentally' pocket dial him and see if he phones back.
I'm going to get my mom to drop me off so that maybe he might offer to drive me home.
He said he liked trees, so I will wear this shirt with a tree on it whenever I think I might run into him.
I dare you to believe that this doesn't happen to some degree every day everwhere around you. Girls are totally crazy. And I say that and can come up with such fantastic examples because I use to try and strategically place myself all the time so this one guy would see me. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Either way, my thought process was way off!
Ask yourself a few of these questions:
Do you really want a guy to like you because you are conveniently right in front of him all the time? Or do you want to just live your life being you, and not constantly manipulating scenarios so that you end up near him, talking to him, getting a ride home from him, etc.
Would you not rather have a guy that notices you from across the room as opposed to a guy that practically trips over you because you positioned yourself so close?
When I realized how much of my life I was depending on somebody else something clicked in me and I realized that the last few years of my life the majority of my decisions had been based, not on my own preferences, but on what I thought a guy might want of me. Horrible to admit that, but there it is. Friends, I encourage you not to make decisions based on whether the guy you like is also going or not but to follow your own interests and dreams and then look to see who is beside you.
Don't place yourself in the way of a dating path, be you, following your own interests and the path will come to you.
Stay awesome friends... stay awesome.
Today I shall share another lesson I have learned on dating: don't strategically place yourself to get a guys attention.
You may be confused what I mean when I say strategic placement. Let me explain through the use of some situations you may or may not have thought to yourself when attempting to get a males attention:
I'm going to stay online all day, then maybe we can facebook chat, maybe even skype.
I'll make sure to be the last one at his party because "I am waiting for my ride".
I know where he usually grabs coffee in the morning, that's where I'm going to start going too.
I'm going to walk my dog around his neighbourhood hoping he sees me, even though I live across town.
If I switch banks to his bank I think we might run into each other more.
I'm going to wear his favorite colour for a conversation starter.
I just found out which is his favorite clothing store, I'll try and get a job there.
I'll 'accidentally' pocket dial him and see if he phones back.
I'm going to get my mom to drop me off so that maybe he might offer to drive me home.
He said he liked trees, so I will wear this shirt with a tree on it whenever I think I might run into him.
I dare you to believe that this doesn't happen to some degree every day everwhere around you. Girls are totally crazy. And I say that and can come up with such fantastic examples because I use to try and strategically place myself all the time so this one guy would see me. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Either way, my thought process was way off!
Ask yourself a few of these questions:
Do you really want a guy to like you because you are conveniently right in front of him all the time? Or do you want to just live your life being you, and not constantly manipulating scenarios so that you end up near him, talking to him, getting a ride home from him, etc.
Would you not rather have a guy that notices you from across the room as opposed to a guy that practically trips over you because you positioned yourself so close?
When I realized how much of my life I was depending on somebody else something clicked in me and I realized that the last few years of my life the majority of my decisions had been based, not on my own preferences, but on what I thought a guy might want of me. Horrible to admit that, but there it is. Friends, I encourage you not to make decisions based on whether the guy you like is also going or not but to follow your own interests and dreams and then look to see who is beside you.
Don't place yourself in the way of a dating path, be you, following your own interests and the path will come to you.
Stay awesome friends... stay awesome.
Monday, March 18, 2013
How to Find Friends and a Husband
Say whaaaat? Yes, I know, such a bold claim of me.
Take Note: I did not say husbands.
Alright, so let's jump in and get to the point of such a powerful title.
Last week I was trying to write up something on dating... this week I tried again and ended up with this:
Here are two key things that will get you both friends that respect you and a husband that cherishes you:
1) Figure out who you are.
2) Be you.
That's it! Taaa daaa!
Now, if you are thinking "No, Sherylynn, it's not that simple" or "Sherylynn, you got my hopes up for nothing, I want to punch you in the face" then keep reading and I will explain further.
One of the most freeing lessons you will ever have in your life is the lesson of knowing who God created you to be and loving yourself. Never ever will I say that it is a simple process, path, or journey but when you get to a point in your life when you realize that the Creator of the Universe also created you and, even more than that, he considers you one of his favourites!!... you're not so concerned if a fellow human being doesn't get your sense of humour.
So I say it again: figure out who you are. And if you can figure out who you were called to be before you go through some really emotionally draining experiences, well done, you are one of the few but I greatly encourage it. But basically, find out what makes you happy, sad, frustrated, encouraged. What is your favorite animal or restaurant? What breaks your heart? Do you have a favourite colour? What are your dreams and goals in life? What are your beliefs? Does your favorite food change everyday? Find out these things about yourself and embrace them. Continue to work to improve negative traits while still loving the quirky habits you have. When you find this, a self confidence will begin to grow inside of you that you have never felt before. This doesn't mean that you have the answers to all life will throw at you but it means that you have the confidence in yourself to know that the answers and guidance will come.
This is when freedom arrives, because once you know who you are you can start to just be you, and the stress of trying to live up to standards and people's opinions about who you are "supposed to be" is thrown off your shoulders. You don't have to panic about being anybody else, you just have to be you... and who better to be you, than you! Now when you communicate with others and the opposite gender you don't have to worry about looking cool or hip or being funny... you just have to do whatever comes naturally to you. Doing this will attract the people that connect with who you are and will also bring the right guy to you.
Think about it: if you go on a date with a guy and you are being yourself, but after he doesn't want to make plans for a second date... what a relief! He was not for you. If you tried to convince yourself that you were perfect for him and maybe you need to change who you are so he can see it... you deceive him and you deceive yourself. Find the freedom of knowing that when you go on a date as yourself, there is nothing to lose. It's better to find out that he is not the guy for you after the first five minutes than after the first five years.
Take Note: I am not saying for you to take on the attitude of "Well, I'm me and if you don't like it, screw you." No... that is not what this is all about. When you find who God has created you to be, you will have peace and contentment in your life and people will be attracted to that. Your closest friends will be the ones who best match your personality and are encouraged by you and vice versa. Adjusting who you are to match someone else's expectation will never grow self-respect, confidence or peace within you, only turmoil, fear and guilt.
YOU are beautiful, so don't hide yourself; embrace who you are and flourish in who you were meant to be!
Take Note: I did not say husbands.
Alright, so let's jump in and get to the point of such a powerful title.
Last week I was trying to write up something on dating... this week I tried again and ended up with this:
Here are two key things that will get you both friends that respect you and a husband that cherishes you:
1) Figure out who you are.
2) Be you.
That's it! Taaa daaa!
Now, if you are thinking "No, Sherylynn, it's not that simple" or "Sherylynn, you got my hopes up for nothing, I want to punch you in the face" then keep reading and I will explain further.
One of the most freeing lessons you will ever have in your life is the lesson of knowing who God created you to be and loving yourself. Never ever will I say that it is a simple process, path, or journey but when you get to a point in your life when you realize that the Creator of the Universe also created you and, even more than that, he considers you one of his favourites!!... you're not so concerned if a fellow human being doesn't get your sense of humour.
So I say it again: figure out who you are. And if you can figure out who you were called to be before you go through some really emotionally draining experiences, well done, you are one of the few but I greatly encourage it. But basically, find out what makes you happy, sad, frustrated, encouraged. What is your favorite animal or restaurant? What breaks your heart? Do you have a favourite colour? What are your dreams and goals in life? What are your beliefs? Does your favorite food change everyday? Find out these things about yourself and embrace them. Continue to work to improve negative traits while still loving the quirky habits you have. When you find this, a self confidence will begin to grow inside of you that you have never felt before. This doesn't mean that you have the answers to all life will throw at you but it means that you have the confidence in yourself to know that the answers and guidance will come.
This is when freedom arrives, because once you know who you are you can start to just be you, and the stress of trying to live up to standards and people's opinions about who you are "supposed to be" is thrown off your shoulders. You don't have to panic about being anybody else, you just have to be you... and who better to be you, than you! Now when you communicate with others and the opposite gender you don't have to worry about looking cool or hip or being funny... you just have to do whatever comes naturally to you. Doing this will attract the people that connect with who you are and will also bring the right guy to you.
Think about it: if you go on a date with a guy and you are being yourself, but after he doesn't want to make plans for a second date... what a relief! He was not for you. If you tried to convince yourself that you were perfect for him and maybe you need to change who you are so he can see it... you deceive him and you deceive yourself. Find the freedom of knowing that when you go on a date as yourself, there is nothing to lose. It's better to find out that he is not the guy for you after the first five minutes than after the first five years.
Take Note: I am not saying for you to take on the attitude of "Well, I'm me and if you don't like it, screw you." No... that is not what this is all about. When you find who God has created you to be, you will have peace and contentment in your life and people will be attracted to that. Your closest friends will be the ones who best match your personality and are encouraged by you and vice versa. Adjusting who you are to match someone else's expectation will never grow self-respect, confidence or peace within you, only turmoil, fear and guilt.
YOU are beautiful, so don't hide yourself; embrace who you are and flourish in who you were meant to be!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Dreams in small portions
Sometimes when you are tired you don't want to chase after a dream. And that's understandable.
It just sucks when you become refreshed and you wish you had still worked towards your dream even when you were tired because you could have been that much further ahead.
Also, sometimes if you miss a deadline for a goal you think you failed the goal entirely. Not so, though. It just means that you get to try again. You only fail if you give up.
My ever so deep thoughts come from.. well for starters, they come from me... but they come from the fact that it is now technically Tuesday... and not Monday when I normally post. And I normally post on Monday so that I can continue a strict schedule to keep me writing every week. I like to write every week with the meager time I put away to do it because I know that if I wait for time to open up, well, I'll just be waiting forever. Dreams happen when you just make them happen. You do them. Tired or not.
So tonight I am tired and started writing this whole other thing on dating for your reading pleasure but I just ended up confusing myself and then I felt over my head in creating a comprehensive point to the entire thing. So instead of just not writing this week because of my frustrations towards one topic I opted to write this. It's not much, it's not perfect, it's not particularly life changing or funny I don't think, but it's one little piece closer to my dreams of writing books and other things of publication.
If I woke up tomorrow and realized that I hadn't posted anything the night before, simply because I couldn't make my sentences make sense or because I just got tired and wanted to sleep, I would be saddened with myself.
So for this week, I leave you with this quote:
Don't rely on giant strides everyday, take the baby steps when you can; they are the ones others took the most notice over anyways.
I hope you all have a great week working towards goals and dreams. Don't go for perfection, just go.
We'll talk about dating next week after I sort all those thoughts out with a refreshed brain.
It just sucks when you become refreshed and you wish you had still worked towards your dream even when you were tired because you could have been that much further ahead.
Also, sometimes if you miss a deadline for a goal you think you failed the goal entirely. Not so, though. It just means that you get to try again. You only fail if you give up.
My ever so deep thoughts come from.. well for starters, they come from me... but they come from the fact that it is now technically Tuesday... and not Monday when I normally post. And I normally post on Monday so that I can continue a strict schedule to keep me writing every week. I like to write every week with the meager time I put away to do it because I know that if I wait for time to open up, well, I'll just be waiting forever. Dreams happen when you just make them happen. You do them. Tired or not.
So tonight I am tired and started writing this whole other thing on dating for your reading pleasure but I just ended up confusing myself and then I felt over my head in creating a comprehensive point to the entire thing. So instead of just not writing this week because of my frustrations towards one topic I opted to write this. It's not much, it's not perfect, it's not particularly life changing or funny I don't think, but it's one little piece closer to my dreams of writing books and other things of publication.
If I woke up tomorrow and realized that I hadn't posted anything the night before, simply because I couldn't make my sentences make sense or because I just got tired and wanted to sleep, I would be saddened with myself.
So for this week, I leave you with this quote:
Don't rely on giant strides everyday, take the baby steps when you can; they are the ones others took the most notice over anyways.
I hope you all have a great week working towards goals and dreams. Don't go for perfection, just go.
We'll talk about dating next week after I sort all those thoughts out with a refreshed brain.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Blonde Accountability: Why you need friends.
It's Monday, a whole new week to live. Let's party party!
Today I felt the importance to discuss accountability... especially as a blonde. Yes, if you were unaware I am a blonde (technically self proclaimed strawberry blonde but pff specifics), and here is a true story for you. You may have read this on my facebook page before but I was thinking about it this past week and decided to expand on it. Here it is...
Scenario: My brother and I are driving past the Chilliwack Airport on a week night, it is super dark outside.
Sher: "I wonder what happens when they have to change that light?" (the light that spins around on the top of the airport)
Brother: .....looks at Sher...."They probably do it during the day."
Sher: "oh right.....I don't want to talk about this anymore."
So, a pretty simple situation right? Two people talking and sharing their different perspectives and one of them just happens to come up with a blonde question, it happens!
Now see, at the time of this conversation I was quite serious about my question; in my mind it was pitch black outside and if the spinning airport light burnt out how the heck would the airplanes know where to go!! A crisis situation would have come up. It was only until I shared my question of concern with someone else did I realize that my thought process was missing an element of 'light'. I also realized that my great concern was actually completely ungrounded and I was fretting about nothing. This my friends, is the importance of friends and accountability. I could have gone my entire life deeply pondering how they change this light thinking that there was no way to do it... OR I would have realized years later that obviously they would do it during the day when the light wouldn't be in use.
When sharing thoughts, concerns and life situations with a trusted and responsible friend you open yourself up to gaining clarity for your particular situation. If you ask a friend for feedback on a decision you are making in your life they can provide 'light' to the situation in what the Bible says on the topic or perhaps share a similar situation they have already walked through and what they learned. A friend can also help keep you accountable to dreams, goals, commitments, but you have to be willing to share parts of your life with them. At the very least, your friend can kindly explain to you that your question was kind of blonde and they will encourage you not to repeat it in large groups. Friends are gems!
I encourage you not to be afraid to go to a trusted and responsible friend to help you shine 'light' on your situation and to gain another perspective. Your singular perspective could have flaws to it, shocking I know, which is why it is always good to get another opinion and make sure you are on track with who you want to become.

Be brave this week and share some thoughts and dreams with a friend!
Have a fantastic week friends, I am blessed to know you all!
Today I felt the importance to discuss accountability... especially as a blonde. Yes, if you were unaware I am a blonde (technically self proclaimed strawberry blonde but pff specifics), and here is a true story for you. You may have read this on my facebook page before but I was thinking about it this past week and decided to expand on it. Here it is...
Scenario: My brother and I are driving past the Chilliwack Airport on a week night, it is super dark outside.
Sher: "I wonder what happens when they have to change that light?" (the light that spins around on the top of the airport)
Brother: .....looks at Sher...."They probably do it during the day."
Sher: "oh right.....I don't want to talk about this anymore."
So, a pretty simple situation right? Two people talking and sharing their different perspectives and one of them just happens to come up with a blonde question, it happens!
Now see, at the time of this conversation I was quite serious about my question; in my mind it was pitch black outside and if the spinning airport light burnt out how the heck would the airplanes know where to go!! A crisis situation would have come up. It was only until I shared my question of concern with someone else did I realize that my thought process was missing an element of 'light'. I also realized that my great concern was actually completely ungrounded and I was fretting about nothing. This my friends, is the importance of friends and accountability. I could have gone my entire life deeply pondering how they change this light thinking that there was no way to do it... OR I would have realized years later that obviously they would do it during the day when the light wouldn't be in use.
When sharing thoughts, concerns and life situations with a trusted and responsible friend you open yourself up to gaining clarity for your particular situation. If you ask a friend for feedback on a decision you are making in your life they can provide 'light' to the situation in what the Bible says on the topic or perhaps share a similar situation they have already walked through and what they learned. A friend can also help keep you accountable to dreams, goals, commitments, but you have to be willing to share parts of your life with them. At the very least, your friend can kindly explain to you that your question was kind of blonde and they will encourage you not to repeat it in large groups. Friends are gems!
I encourage you not to be afraid to go to a trusted and responsible friend to help you shine 'light' on your situation and to gain another perspective. Your singular perspective could have flaws to it, shocking I know, which is why it is always good to get another opinion and make sure you are on track with who you want to become.
Be brave this week and share some thoughts and dreams with a friend!
Have a fantastic week friends, I am blessed to know you all!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Storytime: I just want a pickle
It's been a while again... let's gather around for a Storytime Monday.
One day Stubborn Sally walked into the kitchen. Wouldn't you know it she all of a sudden wanted some pickles, so she went to the fridge, grabbed the jar and got excited for the delicious pickles she was going to eat. Once the lid was off of course.
One day Stubborn Sally walked into the kitchen. Wouldn't you know it she all of a sudden wanted some pickles, so she went to the fridge, grabbed the jar and got excited for the delicious pickles she was going to eat. Once the lid was off of course.
The lid. What a cruel yet necessary invention. Stubborn Sally tried and tried to lefty loosy the lid but couldn't succeed.
"Do you want some help?" asked Helpful Hank as he had been watching her struggle the last few minutes.
"No, I work out, I can do it myself," replied Stubborn Sally.
So she tried again, this time using the many methods she had seen over the years, cloth over lid, smacking the lid with a fork, really quickly trying to turn lid, crying, pleading with lid, and still no pickles were freed.
"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" asked Helpful Hank, by this point feeling quite sorry for her.
"Leave me alone Hank, I can get a stupid pickle on my own," replied Stubborn Sally. (She doesn't work well under stress)
All of a sudden, the solution came to Stubborn Sally! I am so smart, she thought to herself, all I must do to solve this problem is bang the jar on the side of the counter and the lid will come loose. It just seemed so simple. So Stubborn Sally commenced tapping the jar on the side of the kitchen counter. When tapping did no harm she moved on to a heavier hitting, then she began to just throw all her weight into smacking the jar on the counter. Surely, it comes as no surprise to you that the jar completely shattered. Stubborn Sally in the process received some horrible gashes in her hands and fingers and all the pickles ended up on the floor. Now crying, holding up wounded hands, and with an "I give up" look on her face Stubborn Sally turned to Helpful Hank.
"Now will you let me help you?" Helpful Hank asked. To which Stubborn Sally nodded her head and allowed Helpful Hank to bring her to get some much needed stitches for her wounds.
Storytime Statement: God knows the solution before the problem and how to get to it. It seems to be easier to humble ourselves and accept the help provided by Him as opposed to our own solution, which is typically ridiculous in hindsight and always seems to gradually cause us more and more pain.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Update: Dentist Freakout, Kind of
Haaaaaaaaaaappy Monday!!
If you recall, I wrote this a few months ago on my thoughts about dentists: Dentists & Attitudes
Basic Overview: I freak out when going to the dentist and I strongly dislike going there but have a goal to readjust my attitude so that my teeth don't all fall out.
Now fast forward to a few weeks ago and I was on vacation. On my great vacation I ate pineapple and as everyone knows pineapple is ALWAYS more delicious when relaxing near an ocean so I ate quite a bit, and it was during this pineapple eating that I realized my back tooth really hurt. Naturally, as a dramatic Sherylynn, I panicked that my tooth was rotting out of my head, waited until I got back to my room then made awkward faces in the mirror to try and self evaluate my tooth. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good angle so I had to use my camera to attempt to take pictures of the inside of my mouth. Then I proceeded to zoom in on every single blurry picture to try and evaluate how long my tooth had to live. Sure signs of desperation.
I tried to remain calm. I promise I really did. But after my complete self-dental exam, based on zero dental education background, I concluded that I had at least 8 cavities. Then spent the rest of the vacation trying to not panic on my rotting teeth and re-examining each photo when I got the chance, just in case I missed a cavity... all while my poor husband told me that there was nothing I could do while on vacation so I should stop looking at the pictures. Like a psycho. (I added that last part, Andrew wouldn't say that).
Totally different subject! About halfway into my vacation I realized that I had no idea what I had done with an important cheque that I was supposed to have sent away before I left. Had I really put it in the mail? Was it still in my car? Did I leave it at work? Will I miss the due date!?!
Both these concerns (dentist and cheque) I attempted to put out of my mind because logically I knew that there was absolutely nothing I could do while on vacation, other than make a reminder to make a dentist appointment when I got back home and to look for the cheque. And so this is what I did my best to do, with the verse "Do not be anxious about anything" constantly rolling around in my brain.
Upon returning to Chilli chilli chill wack, I called the dentist... and to ensure that I followed through on my attitude adjustment, I immediately told the lady on the phone that I was having a better attitude about the dentist, which she actually seemed quite proud of me so that was nice. Turns out there was space for an appointment in either two days or two months! Knowing that I would cancel come April, I accepted the two day away appointment spot, then hungup the phone and realized that I was actually sweaty and shaky from just phoning the dentist. Cute, right?
But I used all my courage and I showed up for my appointment. Upon just seeing the building I immediately felt a sense of "dun dun duuuun, Dental pain." BUT THEN, I remembered I was to have a better attitude. So, I walked through the office door, sat in the waiting room trying to steady by psycho breathing and doing my best not to cry (wish I was joking) as today was going to be different, then came my turn for the chair. The girl was proud I had returned and was super sensitive on my dainty teeth. There were some buzz's and whirr's and wouldn't you know it, I was done already.
This is where I'm really going to shock you though... my self dental exam was completely wrong.
I know, how is that possible!! Turns out I only have one tiny cavity that they aren't even worried about but will keep an eye on. You win this time paranoia.
So my heart began to lighten that I would not have to return for 8 fillings! But that's not all!! Remember that cheque? Well I was looking everywhere for it as soon as I got back but couldn't find it anywhere. I kept feeling like I should delay cancelling the cheque and getting a new one sent out, and wouldn't you know it, as soon as I left the dentist office, and I'm not joking, I walked out of the office and I got a text saying the cheque had just been deposited, the day before it was due. RELIEF!
My heart felt so relieved from trying not to stress about these events. Oh God is good. It was at that moment that I kind of chuckled to myself that I ever worry about these little things, God's got this. And God's got you friends. Don't be afraid to throw your anxiety's and concerns on Him this week.
If you recall, I wrote this a few months ago on my thoughts about dentists: Dentists & Attitudes
Basic Overview: I freak out when going to the dentist and I strongly dislike going there but have a goal to readjust my attitude so that my teeth don't all fall out.
Now fast forward to a few weeks ago and I was on vacation. On my great vacation I ate pineapple and as everyone knows pineapple is ALWAYS more delicious when relaxing near an ocean so I ate quite a bit, and it was during this pineapple eating that I realized my back tooth really hurt. Naturally, as a dramatic Sherylynn, I panicked that my tooth was rotting out of my head, waited until I got back to my room then made awkward faces in the mirror to try and self evaluate my tooth. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good angle so I had to use my camera to attempt to take pictures of the inside of my mouth. Then I proceeded to zoom in on every single blurry picture to try and evaluate how long my tooth had to live. Sure signs of desperation.
I tried to remain calm. I promise I really did. But after my complete self-dental exam, based on zero dental education background, I concluded that I had at least 8 cavities. Then spent the rest of the vacation trying to not panic on my rotting teeth and re-examining each photo when I got the chance, just in case I missed a cavity... all while my poor husband told me that there was nothing I could do while on vacation so I should stop looking at the pictures. Like a psycho. (I added that last part, Andrew wouldn't say that).
Totally different subject! About halfway into my vacation I realized that I had no idea what I had done with an important cheque that I was supposed to have sent away before I left. Had I really put it in the mail? Was it still in my car? Did I leave it at work? Will I miss the due date!?!
Both these concerns (dentist and cheque) I attempted to put out of my mind because logically I knew that there was absolutely nothing I could do while on vacation, other than make a reminder to make a dentist appointment when I got back home and to look for the cheque. And so this is what I did my best to do, with the verse "Do not be anxious about anything" constantly rolling around in my brain.
Upon returning to Chilli chilli chill wack, I called the dentist... and to ensure that I followed through on my attitude adjustment, I immediately told the lady on the phone that I was having a better attitude about the dentist, which she actually seemed quite proud of me so that was nice. Turns out there was space for an appointment in either two days or two months! Knowing that I would cancel come April, I accepted the two day away appointment spot, then hungup the phone and realized that I was actually sweaty and shaky from just phoning the dentist. Cute, right?
But I used all my courage and I showed up for my appointment. Upon just seeing the building I immediately felt a sense of "dun dun duuuun, Dental pain." BUT THEN, I remembered I was to have a better attitude. So, I walked through the office door, sat in the waiting room trying to steady by psycho breathing and doing my best not to cry (wish I was joking) as today was going to be different, then came my turn for the chair. The girl was proud I had returned and was super sensitive on my dainty teeth. There were some buzz's and whirr's and wouldn't you know it, I was done already.
This is where I'm really going to shock you though... my self dental exam was completely wrong.
I know, how is that possible!! Turns out I only have one tiny cavity that they aren't even worried about but will keep an eye on. You win this time paranoia.
So my heart began to lighten that I would not have to return for 8 fillings! But that's not all!! Remember that cheque? Well I was looking everywhere for it as soon as I got back but couldn't find it anywhere. I kept feeling like I should delay cancelling the cheque and getting a new one sent out, and wouldn't you know it, as soon as I left the dentist office, and I'm not joking, I walked out of the office and I got a text saying the cheque had just been deposited, the day before it was due. RELIEF!
My heart felt so relieved from trying not to stress about these events. Oh God is good. It was at that moment that I kind of chuckled to myself that I ever worry about these little things, God's got this. And God's got you friends. Don't be afraid to throw your anxiety's and concerns on Him this week.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
Philippians 4:6
Monday, February 11, 2013
February 14: Stop the S.A.D. Talk
Valentines Day. Yes, I'm going there.
Let's look at what I know about this day first:
It is coming up this week.
By the 15th, it will be over.
The day will not kill you.
Agreed? Excellent, let's go a bit further.
This is more about what I know on Valentines: It's about love.
Why does it have to get more complicated than that or be about single people? Consider it a day to show some love to friends, parents, siblings, even strangers if you feel so inclined. Random acts of kindness on Valentines is an incredible way to remind yourself that everyone loves to feel special, and you will feel special just by being a part of that.
I've never had a huge issue with Valentines Day. Whether I was single, dating, and now married it doesn't have this huge arrow in my calendar every year that says "the day someone must show me their passionate and undying love for me... or life. will. suck." All around me things were always happening every year of course; candy grams would arrive for fellow students during middle school/high school, flowers would arrive for coworkers at my office, and, as always, single people would whine that they hated being single. Oh that was mean, I meant 'not show enthusiasm' for being single. Glad, I clarified that. (Don't get too mad, or you'll miss the good stuff coming up.) As I look back on the last 10 years I actually don't remember any male (Andrew excluded) doing anything life changing, or even that nice really, on Valentines. Nothing really comes to mind, but get this: it also may be because I don't recall building up unrealistic expectations for the day that would get devastingly crushed if nothing at all even remotely close to those expectations occurred. Nor did I take is as a personal offense if my coupled friends were going out on a date that night and use it to magnify and compare to my life, why should I be offended by their blessing? (Has the Lord not also poured many blessings into my life?)
Now what I DO remember is always having fun on Valentines Day. Know why? Because I expected to have great fun. I would hang out with people, wear pink, red and white, make cards for friends, do special things for others. This was not to distract myself "until I had a boyfriend/husband" but because I love my friends and family and love showing my appreciation for them on this day each year.
If by this point you are offended and upset with me because "I'm married now so have nothing to complain about" so I shouldn't be saying any of this, well then... I do apologize. It was not my intent to get anyone all upset and angry with me because I am not in their shoes so don't understand them. And fair enough, I am not. But I do know however what it is to be single with no prospects on Valentines Day, to be single with prospects, to be a secret and ignored, secret and ignored, secret and ignored, secret and ignored, secret and ignored, secret and ignored, man-hating and bitter, dating a man worth my time, and married to a man that loves me. So basically throughout my life, life has happened, and at no point did I dread February 14 or see it as a Singles Awareness Day. I don't mean to enforce my own outlook on others but pray that you can see Valentines Day beyond a "Singles Awareness Day". When calling it this I think you are actually robbing yourself of joy on this very day because instead of having 'love, friendship, celebrate, appreciate" rolling through your head you have "Singles awareness, I am alone... so alone... why me", see how dangerous that mindset is? Single does not mean you are not loved or that you are alone. It means you should celebrate the love that is in your life!
I encourage you this Valentines Day to just celebrate the fact that you are totally awesome, don't even doubt it for a second. I encourage you to keep your mind in a beautiful place of celebrating love and how great it is to have people in your life that love you for your fantastic self.
It's going to be an awesome day this Feburary 14th, don't miss out!
Let's look at what I know about this day first:
It is coming up this week.
By the 15th, it will be over.
The day will not kill you.
Agreed? Excellent, let's go a bit further.
This is more about what I know on Valentines: It's about love.
Why does it have to get more complicated than that or be about single people? Consider it a day to show some love to friends, parents, siblings, even strangers if you feel so inclined. Random acts of kindness on Valentines is an incredible way to remind yourself that everyone loves to feel special, and you will feel special just by being a part of that.
I've never had a huge issue with Valentines Day. Whether I was single, dating, and now married it doesn't have this huge arrow in my calendar every year that says "the day someone must show me their passionate and undying love for me... or life. will. suck." All around me things were always happening every year of course; candy grams would arrive for fellow students during middle school/high school, flowers would arrive for coworkers at my office, and, as always, single people would whine that they hated being single. Oh that was mean, I meant 'not show enthusiasm' for being single. Glad, I clarified that. (Don't get too mad, or you'll miss the good stuff coming up.) As I look back on the last 10 years I actually don't remember any male (Andrew excluded) doing anything life changing, or even that nice really, on Valentines. Nothing really comes to mind, but get this: it also may be because I don't recall building up unrealistic expectations for the day that would get devastingly crushed if nothing at all even remotely close to those expectations occurred. Nor did I take is as a personal offense if my coupled friends were going out on a date that night and use it to magnify and compare to my life, why should I be offended by their blessing? (Has the Lord not also poured many blessings into my life?)
Now what I DO remember is always having fun on Valentines Day. Know why? Because I expected to have great fun. I would hang out with people, wear pink, red and white, make cards for friends, do special things for others. This was not to distract myself "until I had a boyfriend/husband" but because I love my friends and family and love showing my appreciation for them on this day each year.
If by this point you are offended and upset with me because "I'm married now so have nothing to complain about" so I shouldn't be saying any of this, well then... I do apologize. It was not my intent to get anyone all upset and angry with me because I am not in their shoes so don't understand them. And fair enough, I am not. But I do know however what it is to be single with no prospects on Valentines Day, to be single with prospects, to be a secret and ignored, secret and ignored, secret and ignored, secret and ignored, secret and ignored, secret and ignored, man-hating and bitter, dating a man worth my time, and married to a man that loves me. So basically throughout my life, life has happened, and at no point did I dread February 14 or see it as a Singles Awareness Day. I don't mean to enforce my own outlook on others but pray that you can see Valentines Day beyond a "Singles Awareness Day". When calling it this I think you are actually robbing yourself of joy on this very day because instead of having 'love, friendship, celebrate, appreciate" rolling through your head you have "Singles awareness, I am alone... so alone... why me", see how dangerous that mindset is? Single does not mean you are not loved or that you are alone. It means you should celebrate the love that is in your life!
I encourage you this Valentines Day to just celebrate the fact that you are totally awesome, don't even doubt it for a second. I encourage you to keep your mind in a beautiful place of celebrating love and how great it is to have people in your life that love you for your fantastic self.
It's going to be an awesome day this Feburary 14th, don't miss out!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Betty & Veronica are Mistaken
Happy Day Friends!
So as promised last week, today we discuss Betty and Veronica... and how confused they are on proper relationships.
I have to just tell you first though that I'm excited for the next few weeks!! I feel like God has been kind of swirling things around in my heart the last week and so many new realizations have come to the surface that I can't wait to share with you all.
But again, today we discuss Betty and Veronica, here's how this came about... I was in the grocery store the other day, as those who like food usually frequent, and as I was standing in the line I naturally looked over all the magazines with celebrities and half exposed women telling me how to be better. I know there have been discussions on hiding these magazines so that young girls don't look at them and feel bad about their self image. Now, while I'm pondering this and checking out what is on display that ISN'T a magazine of some famous person, I see.... the Archie comic. So then I surprised myself a bit and felt angry. Not even kidding. Well, ok not outwardly but inside me something just clicked where I thought... this seemingly innocent comic is so incredibly wrong. Not only is it wrong on high school, relationships, and how many burgers a real person can eat in one sitting, it is wrong in that it has been around for so many years having an influence on teenage girls.
Here's my issue: Growing up I recall reading whichever Archie comics I came across. Naturally I joined the debate on who was more fitting for Archie; Betty the kind, poor, blonde, or Veronica, the snobby, rich, brunette. I have always been Team Betty, I just always thought she was super nice. Therefore, I was always glad for Betty when Archie would make a date with her. Then I would be sad for Betty when he for some reason had to ditch her. Then I would be glad for Betty when she would get another date with Archie... until Veronica wormed her way into the plans and Archie would take off with Veronica...this carries on for forever.. or for as long as I was reading them.
Betty, my dear, comic friend.... why do you do this to yourself!?
She is willingly chasing after a guy that has made no sign of commitment to her, hoping that things will change.
Don't get too caught up on the fact that this is a comic because I know that these situations are happening more and more often in real life. The comics are teaching young women that it's ok to continually fall for a guy that doesn't know how to treat women... at all. Firstly, Archie does not know how to choose between two girls!! and secondly, he checks out every single girl that goes by him!! The fact that Archie comes off as such a 'good' guy is what really worries me, because it shows that women let their guard down. They don't depict Archie as a drug dealing, tattoo covered, manipulating punk that you would 'expect' to mistreat women. The guy that both of these women chase after is a pale, red headed, goof ball that tries to stay out of trouble.
I feel like I have seen Archie comics happen to me in real life and I know I'm not the only one. And to be quite honest, I just think it's time for that to stop. If the guy you want to date can't keep his mind and eyes off other girls, whilst also admitting to dating another girl at the same time as you.... walk away. No, just start running actually. Don't even feel bad about it. You deserve to never have to second guess where your guy is, who he is with and whether you are 'out of sight, out of mind' with him. You deserve to be loved and cherished and never to be the backup plan in case the original date cancels. You deserve real love, not dating guessing games.
Friends, with Valentines coming up, think about this:
Archie typically brings flowers and chocolates for the girl when he goes out on a date with them.
Archie, unfortunately, does this for both Betty and Veronica, as well as the other girls he tries to impress.
Just because a guy brings you flowers doesn't mean he's the guy you should be chasing.
Praying for freedom, for all that are searching, this week.
So as promised last week, today we discuss Betty and Veronica... and how confused they are on proper relationships.
I have to just tell you first though that I'm excited for the next few weeks!! I feel like God has been kind of swirling things around in my heart the last week and so many new realizations have come to the surface that I can't wait to share with you all.
But again, today we discuss Betty and Veronica, here's how this came about... I was in the grocery store the other day, as those who like food usually frequent, and as I was standing in the line I naturally looked over all the magazines with celebrities and half exposed women telling me how to be better. I know there have been discussions on hiding these magazines so that young girls don't look at them and feel bad about their self image. Now, while I'm pondering this and checking out what is on display that ISN'T a magazine of some famous person, I see.... the Archie comic. So then I surprised myself a bit and felt angry. Not even kidding. Well, ok not outwardly but inside me something just clicked where I thought... this seemingly innocent comic is so incredibly wrong. Not only is it wrong on high school, relationships, and how many burgers a real person can eat in one sitting, it is wrong in that it has been around for so many years having an influence on teenage girls.
Here's my issue: Growing up I recall reading whichever Archie comics I came across. Naturally I joined the debate on who was more fitting for Archie; Betty the kind, poor, blonde, or Veronica, the snobby, rich, brunette. I have always been Team Betty, I just always thought she was super nice. Therefore, I was always glad for Betty when Archie would make a date with her. Then I would be sad for Betty when he for some reason had to ditch her. Then I would be glad for Betty when she would get another date with Archie... until Veronica wormed her way into the plans and Archie would take off with Veronica...this carries on for forever.. or for as long as I was reading them.
Betty, my dear, comic friend.... why do you do this to yourself!?
She is willingly chasing after a guy that has made no sign of commitment to her, hoping that things will change.
Don't get too caught up on the fact that this is a comic because I know that these situations are happening more and more often in real life. The comics are teaching young women that it's ok to continually fall for a guy that doesn't know how to treat women... at all. Firstly, Archie does not know how to choose between two girls!! and secondly, he checks out every single girl that goes by him!! The fact that Archie comes off as such a 'good' guy is what really worries me, because it shows that women let their guard down. They don't depict Archie as a drug dealing, tattoo covered, manipulating punk that you would 'expect' to mistreat women. The guy that both of these women chase after is a pale, red headed, goof ball that tries to stay out of trouble.
I feel like I have seen Archie comics happen to me in real life and I know I'm not the only one. And to be quite honest, I just think it's time for that to stop. If the guy you want to date can't keep his mind and eyes off other girls, whilst also admitting to dating another girl at the same time as you.... walk away. No, just start running actually. Don't even feel bad about it. You deserve to never have to second guess where your guy is, who he is with and whether you are 'out of sight, out of mind' with him. You deserve to be loved and cherished and never to be the backup plan in case the original date cancels. You deserve real love, not dating guessing games.
Friends, with Valentines coming up, think about this:
Archie typically brings flowers and chocolates for the girl when he goes out on a date with them.
Archie, unfortunately, does this for both Betty and Veronica, as well as the other girls he tries to impress.
Just because a guy brings you flowers doesn't mean he's the guy you should be chasing.
Praying for freedom, for all that are searching, this week.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Fashion, my secret Passion
Sooo I didn't post last Monday because I was gone on a fantastic vacation with my family... however I did have this post ready but unfortunately did not feel like giving up lots of my money to pay for internet while cruising the Ocean but FORTUNATELY I will give you that post now while I write up something life changing for next week! Ha ha.. run on.
Now, I bet a lot of you were unaware that I was briefly an editor assistant for the fashion magazine Haute Couture last year. Must have slipped my mind. Here is the link to one of my appearances for the magazine:
Haute Couture
Obviously I am no longer with Haute Couture but it was a great experience, in the end I learned that it's more important to love yourself the way God made you... otherwise you get burned by hair straighteners.
Next Week: We discuss why Betty and Veronica are terribly mistaken when it comes to relationships.
Sooo I didn't post last Monday because I was gone on a fantastic vacation with my family... however I did have this post ready but unfortunately did not feel like giving up lots of my money to pay for internet while cruising the Ocean but FORTUNATELY I will give you that post now while I write up something life changing for next week! Ha ha.. run on.
Now, I bet a lot of you were unaware that I was briefly an editor assistant for the fashion magazine Haute Couture last year. Must have slipped my mind. Here is the link to one of my appearances for the magazine:
Haute Couture
Obviously I am no longer with Haute Couture but it was a great experience, in the end I learned that it's more important to love yourself the way God made you... otherwise you get burned by hair straighteners.
Next Week: We discuss why Betty and Veronica are terribly mistaken when it comes to relationships.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Being Super Awesome
Today we talk about being Super Awesome.
The other day I got the opportunity to hangout with a friend, let's call him Jack, and he is truly awesome. He also happens to be very ADHD as well as autistic, and I believe this is what helps make him so awesome. The best part is that Jack doesn't fully comprehend how super awesome is he but yet carries himself as if he does.
Jack knows that he's a funny, fast talking guy that switches topics quickly and likes to make jokes. He also believes that everyone should want to hangout with him, at all times. Let me explain that one a bit more:
He doesn't second guess if people want to hangout with him, he just assumes they do.
He doesn't ask if he can go with you somewhere, he tells you he is joining you.
He will sit and ask many questions, unconcerned of overstaying his welcome.
He doesn't wait for you to give him an opportunity, he creates it and joins in.
None of these things are meant to put Jack in a bad light, completely the opposite actually.
Do you know how incredible and unique this is?
Can you imagine if all human beings knew that they were Super Awesome??
A huge shadow of self doubt has overcome so many people these days that too many are doubting their level of awesomeness. Countless times I have heard people say the following as they sit on the outskirts of life:
I knew about it, I just wasn't personally invited, so didn't go.
I didn't think they liked me so I didn't go/show up.
I was too afraid to talk to them.
I missed my opportunity.
Now I'm not saying you should show up everywhere you aren't invited and people will love it, but rather pointing out that in many aspects of life people forget that they are Super Awesome and unique and therefore entertain the doubts in their mind that people would not want to hang out with them, talk to them, give them a job/date/promotion/meeting, love them. I too am guilty of forgetting that I'm Super Awesome sometimes; it's more natural to doubt yourself than to have a strong confidence in yourself. Not an overconfidence in your skills or personality but a strong confidence, meaning that you know what God has gifted and blessed you with and your willing to use it to further his kingdom.
I encourage you today to not wait for an invitation to grab the opportunities in life that are waiting to be grabbed! Remember, you're Super Awesome and there are so many opportunities waiting for you to throw aside doubt and what ifs and to grab hold of them.
I leave you with this great picture that we should all print off and tape to our steering wheels, handle bars, skateboard, horse, shoes... whatever our mode of transportation. This way we can remind ourselves that we are Super Awesome and therefore people want to get to know us, they want to hangout with us, and opportunities are everywhere around us!!
Be Super Awesome.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Success in a Fail: Bookworm 2012
Friends, Monday greetings out to you.
Let's jump right in and put you out of such great suspense...For an entire year, the year of 2012 to be more specific, I was working towards a book reading goal. It was a very ambitious goal.
January (month 1): 1 book
February (month 2): 2 books
March (month 3): 3 books
Getting the pattern? and this went all the way down until:
December (month 12): 12 books!
And when you add all those books together you get a grand total of 78 books. Now, perhaps you are thinking "well that's not that many books" or perhaps you are thinking "what!! No human can achieve that!", but hopefully your thoughts have moved on to the next question "Did you actually achieve your goal?"
And the answer is.... No. I totally didn't make my goal but I loved every minute of it! My end total was 54 books read for 2012. So I was short by about 25 books. Can you imagine how many books I might have read if I had made my goal to read 100 books!!
You see, even though I didn't hit my goal, I started the year knowing that I had the potential to do it. But whether I hit my exact goal or not, I read 53 books last year, and that's a great accomplishment in itself. I can sit around and boohoo that I technically failed since I didn't hit 78 books, but that's crazy. I'm a whole lot closer to reading 78 books than if I had never tried to challenge myself in the first place out of fear or laziness that I might not accomplish my goal. Unfortunately, I do not have this life changing quote by Mark Gorman for you at this moment but it goes something along the lines of this:
If you work towards a goal and fail you were a whole lot closer to accomplishing that goal than those who almost, sort of, maybe, were close to, came within the vicinity of possibly, maybe one day, might have, maybe, some day, setting a goal.
Friends, be wild and set goals for yourself on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis, throwing aside procrastination and or fear of failing that goal. Failing at a goal will always bring you a small success closer to that big success. I didn't read 78 books, but I did read 54 and that's an awesome success. This is what 54 books looks like...
That's a lot of books. I even impressed myself when I stacked those all up.
Lastly, for all you curious minds... here is the complete list of all books read in 2012:
1 - The Secret Life of Bees
2 - Book of Negroes
3 - Nazi Officer's Wife
4 - Heaven is for Real
5 - Epic
6 - Left Neglected
7 - Hunger Games
8 - Catching Fire
9 - Mocking Jay
10 - The Last Lecture
11 - Redeeming Love
12 - For One More Day
13 - Crazy Love
14 - Power of a Praying Woman
15 - The Compound Effect
16 - She said Yes
17 - God's Plan for Prosperity
18 - The First Day of the Rest of my Life
19 - The Guinea Pig Diaries
20 - Comic Bible
21 - Miracle for Jen
22 - Beyond the Blue
23 - Skill with People
24 - The Book of Holiday Awesome
25 - The Tears of My Soul
26 - Tramp for the Lord
27 - Don't Follow Me, I'm the Leader
28 - Nehemiah: A Heart that Breaks
29 - Momma Married a Man
30 - The Cross and a Switchblade
31 - Leadership Pill
32 - A Complicated Kindness
33 - Jacob I have Loved
34 - Sheet Music
35 - Common Sense not Needed
36 - Defeated Enemy
37 - Amazing Love
38 - The Memory Keeper's Daughter
39 - The Hiding Place
40 - Shadows of Promise
41 - Trapped in Hitler's Hell
42 - Autobiography of a One Year Old
43 - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
44 - As Nature Made Him
45 - Bullets on the Water
46 - The Screwtape Letters
47 - The Long Walk
48 - The Wizard of Oz
49 - Anne of Green Gables
50 - Beatrice & Virgil
51 - The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven
52 - Animal Farm
53 - Ms. Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
54 - Hannah's Hope
I have also set a new goal for myself in 2013, so if you have any book suggestions feel free to send them my way, many thanks! :)
Let's jump right in and put you out of such great suspense...For an entire year, the year of 2012 to be more specific, I was working towards a book reading goal. It was a very ambitious goal.
That goal was to read 78 books in 2012.
Why 78 books? Let me show you...January (month 1): 1 book
February (month 2): 2 books
March (month 3): 3 books
Getting the pattern? and this went all the way down until:
December (month 12): 12 books!
And when you add all those books together you get a grand total of 78 books. Now, perhaps you are thinking "well that's not that many books" or perhaps you are thinking "what!! No human can achieve that!", but hopefully your thoughts have moved on to the next question "Did you actually achieve your goal?"
And the answer is.... No. I totally didn't make my goal but I loved every minute of it! My end total was 54 books read for 2012. So I was short by about 25 books. Can you imagine how many books I might have read if I had made my goal to read 100 books!!
You see, even though I didn't hit my goal, I started the year knowing that I had the potential to do it. But whether I hit my exact goal or not, I read 53 books last year, and that's a great accomplishment in itself. I can sit around and boohoo that I technically failed since I didn't hit 78 books, but that's crazy. I'm a whole lot closer to reading 78 books than if I had never tried to challenge myself in the first place out of fear or laziness that I might not accomplish my goal. Unfortunately, I do not have this life changing quote by Mark Gorman for you at this moment but it goes something along the lines of this:
If you work towards a goal and fail you were a whole lot closer to accomplishing that goal than those who almost, sort of, maybe, were close to, came within the vicinity of possibly, maybe one day, might have, maybe, some day, setting a goal.
Friends, be wild and set goals for yourself on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis, throwing aside procrastination and or fear of failing that goal. Failing at a goal will always bring you a small success closer to that big success. I didn't read 78 books, but I did read 54 and that's an awesome success. This is what 54 books looks like...
Lastly, for all you curious minds... here is the complete list of all books read in 2012:
1 - The Secret Life of Bees
2 - Book of Negroes
3 - Nazi Officer's Wife
4 - Heaven is for Real
5 - Epic
6 - Left Neglected
7 - Hunger Games
8 - Catching Fire
9 - Mocking Jay
10 - The Last Lecture
11 - Redeeming Love
12 - For One More Day
13 - Crazy Love
14 - Power of a Praying Woman
15 - The Compound Effect
16 - She said Yes
17 - God's Plan for Prosperity
18 - The First Day of the Rest of my Life
19 - The Guinea Pig Diaries
20 - Comic Bible
21 - Miracle for Jen
22 - Beyond the Blue
23 - Skill with People
24 - The Book of Holiday Awesome
25 - The Tears of My Soul
26 - Tramp for the Lord
27 - Don't Follow Me, I'm the Leader
28 - Nehemiah: A Heart that Breaks
29 - Momma Married a Man
30 - The Cross and a Switchblade
31 - Leadership Pill
32 - A Complicated Kindness
33 - Jacob I have Loved
34 - Sheet Music
35 - Common Sense not Needed
36 - Defeated Enemy
37 - Amazing Love
38 - The Memory Keeper's Daughter
39 - The Hiding Place
40 - Shadows of Promise
41 - Trapped in Hitler's Hell
42 - Autobiography of a One Year Old
43 - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
44 - As Nature Made Him
45 - Bullets on the Water
46 - The Screwtape Letters
47 - The Long Walk
48 - The Wizard of Oz
49 - Anne of Green Gables
50 - Beatrice & Virgil
51 - The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven
52 - Animal Farm
53 - Ms. Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
54 - Hannah's Hope
I have also set a new goal for myself in 2013, so if you have any book suggestions feel free to send them my way, many thanks! :)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A Starting Issue
FRIENDS!! HI!! Where've you been?!?!
Good day to you all, I have returned to the writing world. For those ever so dedicated and have been missing me greatly over the last two weeks... I'm baaaaaack.
Now, I have delayed posting this week because I had an issue with starting anything. (Last week it was just a matter of it being Christmas Eve and I just ran out of time to write, I didn't feel too bad about it actually, I hope you had a great Christmas!!) Now, as mentioned I had a starting issue. However, I did master the resting, reading, eating, and family time technique over the last week, which may have contributed to my starting issue.
You see, when I went to go write yesterday the small amount of stress that I felt about writing something life changing, motivating and inspirational for all us humans heading into a new year was too much, so I probably had a nap instead. There just has been so much talk of New Years resolutions and summarizing last year that I didn't want to jump into the mix. And I won't. So I shall move on from that topic and back to my topic: a starting issue.
I wanted to write yesterday, since I write every Monday, but it just wasn't happening. I didn't know where to start! What would be my first great words of wisdom and welcome? How could I portray to my great friends how excited I am for their lives and their potential for greatness? How can my first few starting words demonstrate to my friends how much they are loved? What font should I use? What if my words have no impact? What if nobody reads my blog? What if...
Welcome to the Female Crazy Brain.
Guess how far my thoughts on starting got me? No where.
Guess how many blog posts I made last year? About 52.
So, Sherylynn, why in the world would you get all crazy about blogging yesterday if you are so used to writing on a weekly basis? Because I stopped for a week. And when you stop doing something, guess what, you have to start again. Know what's hard? Starting something. And the easiest way to start something, whether it's new or not, is guess what... just to DO IT!
January 1st or June 8th or December 31st.
6:00AM or 6:00PM.
By yourself or with a friend.
Public or Personal.
It doesn't matter when or what you just have to start.
If it's not perfect? SO WHAT! Would you rather have a blank canvas all your life because you are too afraid you may not be good at painting OR an ugly painting today that you can say was the starting point for your future masterpieces?
I shall leave you with that ever so deep question to ponder.
Next Week: I reveal a year long experiment I've been working on. Suspense.
Good day to you all, I have returned to the writing world. For those ever so dedicated and have been missing me greatly over the last two weeks... I'm baaaaaack.
Now, I have delayed posting this week because I had an issue with starting anything. (Last week it was just a matter of it being Christmas Eve and I just ran out of time to write, I didn't feel too bad about it actually, I hope you had a great Christmas!!) Now, as mentioned I had a starting issue. However, I did master the resting, reading, eating, and family time technique over the last week, which may have contributed to my starting issue.
You see, when I went to go write yesterday the small amount of stress that I felt about writing something life changing, motivating and inspirational for all us humans heading into a new year was too much, so I probably had a nap instead. There just has been so much talk of New Years resolutions and summarizing last year that I didn't want to jump into the mix. And I won't. So I shall move on from that topic and back to my topic: a starting issue.
I wanted to write yesterday, since I write every Monday, but it just wasn't happening. I didn't know where to start! What would be my first great words of wisdom and welcome? How could I portray to my great friends how excited I am for their lives and their potential for greatness? How can my first few starting words demonstrate to my friends how much they are loved? What font should I use? What if my words have no impact? What if nobody reads my blog? What if...
Welcome to the Female Crazy Brain.
Guess how far my thoughts on starting got me? No where.
Guess how many blog posts I made last year? About 52.
So, Sherylynn, why in the world would you get all crazy about blogging yesterday if you are so used to writing on a weekly basis? Because I stopped for a week. And when you stop doing something, guess what, you have to start again. Know what's hard? Starting something. And the easiest way to start something, whether it's new or not, is guess what... just to DO IT!
January 1st or June 8th or December 31st.
6:00AM or 6:00PM.
By yourself or with a friend.
Public or Personal.
It doesn't matter when or what you just have to start.
If it's not perfect? SO WHAT! Would you rather have a blank canvas all your life because you are too afraid you may not be good at painting OR an ugly painting today that you can say was the starting point for your future masterpieces?
I shall leave you with that ever so deep question to ponder.
Next Week: I reveal a year long experiment I've been working on. Suspense.
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