Monday, January 14, 2013

Being Super Awesome

Today we talk about being Super Awesome.

The other day I got the opportunity to hangout with a friend, let's call him Jack, and he is truly awesome. He also happens to be very ADHD as well as autistic, and I believe this is what helps make him so awesome. The best part is that Jack doesn't fully comprehend how super awesome is he but yet carries himself as if he does.

Jack knows that he's a funny, fast talking guy that switches topics quickly and likes to make jokes. He also believes that everyone should want to hangout with him, at all times. Let me explain that one a bit more:
He doesn't second guess if people want to hangout with him, he just assumes they do.
He doesn't ask if he can go with you somewhere, he tells you he is joining you.
He will sit and ask many questions, unconcerned of overstaying his welcome.
He doesn't wait for you to give him an opportunity, he creates it and joins in.

None of these things are meant to put Jack in a bad light, completely the opposite actually.
Do you know how incredible and unique this is?
Can you imagine if all human beings knew that they were Super Awesome??
A huge shadow of self doubt has overcome so many people these days that too many are doubting their level of awesomeness. Countless times I have heard people say the following as they sit on the outskirts of life:

I knew about it, I just wasn't personally invited, so didn't go.
I didn't think they liked me so I didn't go/show up.
I was too afraid to talk to them.
I missed my opportunity.

Now I'm not saying you should show up everywhere you aren't invited and people will love it, but rather pointing out that in many aspects of life people forget that they are Super Awesome and unique and therefore entertain the doubts in their mind that people would not want to hang out with them, talk to them, give them a job/date/promotion/meeting, love them. I too am guilty of forgetting that I'm Super Awesome sometimes; it's more natural to doubt yourself than to have a strong confidence in yourself. Not an overconfidence in your skills or personality but a strong confidence, meaning that you know what God has gifted and blessed you with and your willing to use it to further his kingdom.

I encourage you today to not wait for an invitation to grab the opportunities in life that are waiting to be grabbed! Remember, you're Super Awesome and there are so many opportunities waiting for you to throw aside doubt and what ifs and to grab hold of them.
I leave you with this great picture that we should all print off and tape to our steering wheels, handle bars, skateboard, horse, shoes... whatever our mode of transportation. This way we can remind ourselves that we are Super Awesome and therefore people want to get to know us, they want to hangout with us, and opportunities are everywhere around us!! 
Be Super Awesome.