Sooo I guess it's been a while. Let me tell you some random thoughts/concerns/questions/anything that comes up as I type.
I guess I'll give a bit of an update since last Wednesday when I got paid in corn and potatoes. There are about 13 potatoes still left, sitting lonely in a box outside my office. You would think they would be more popular because they are now a rare commodity but no. They have now become the potato rejects and we try to give them away on a daily basis, all five days of them. On a better news topic: I got paid in COOKIES the next day!! And by "paid" I mean Thursday is our cookie day at work and they stored all the extra cookes (And smiley cookies from Tim Hortons no less) in my office. This ladies and gentlemen is what I call "trust".
What else, the confetti has seemed to disperse itself quite nicely all over the place and I still find many remnants of that great day one week ago. I'm pretty sure my scalp is multi-coloured a bit still(no spell check, go away, I spell colour the Canadian way!!). It appears that some of the confetti stuff had the dye come out and decorate my scalp. If I shaved my head it may look like an easter egg. Ok, an oddly shaped easter egg. Grand thought: imagine if I had to go to one of those lice check things last week (you know in elementary school where everyone had to go to those lice checks and everyone pretty much just saw it as a free head message but secretly we all had this secret panic that they might actually find lice... was that just me?) anyways, it would have been funny if they pulled back layers of my hair and just continually found chunks of coloured/metallicky paper. This doesn't make you feel uncomfortable does it? Doesn't make your head itch or anything? At the thought of tiny little bugs.... ok I'll stop.
hee hee....
And now I shall give you a childhood memory. We are just jumping all over the place here.
Childhood Memory: You know when you're a child and your mom is the #1 judge that solves all cases of sibling fights as long as you give her all the facts and she decides who is the worse sibling and punishes them accordingly? Ya, me either. Growing up I will say that my older sisters beat me up now and then, obviously because they were jealous of me... or because I may have been a touch annoying... hard to say. So anyways, whenever I would get smacked, punched, toys stolen from me, or anything else that involved my feelings being greatly damaged I would run to my mother to let her know that my sibling had wounded me. Here is how it would go:
Young, sweet, Sherylynn: "Mooooom, (sibling name) just punched me in the arm."
Confused Mother: "Did you say thank you?"
Young, sweet Sherylynn: "No, mom. They punched me."
Mean Mother: "Without you asking them to? Oh that was so nice, did you say thank you?"
Frustrated Young, sweet Sherylynn: Marches away vowing to never tell my mother anything again as she clearly doesn't understand what lifelong damage has come to my life.
All Parents out there, this is called "Genius Parenting Tip". Remember it, use it, remove the tattle tale reflex from your children. Your welcome.
In conclusion, does anyone want 13 potatoes, my hair is still a party and my mother is an amazing lady. Have a great day folks!
Life is crazy. Sometimes it's better to just pretend that you are in the middle of a reality TV show, one with so many twists, turns, and lessons that it's hard to keep up. But it's fun, isn't it? Commencing exploring life with a Sunshiney attitude of great joy, love and excitement.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Corny Surprise
1) I got paid in corn and potatoes today. Which is so perfect because usually I don’t hook up the wagon to my horse but this morning luckily I did. So now I can bring home my vegetables (and don’t start fighting me on whether corn and potatoes are indeed vegetables or not) as I trot home to mom and pops. Ok ok, obviously I’m kidding. I actually forgot to hook up the wagon and it was an awkward horseback ride home. Oook fine, scratch all that horse and wagon business. I did however come into my office today to see a big box of corn and then a big box of potatoes showed up shortly thereafter. Weird, I know, I usually only ever get potatoes. The reason for all this produce-o-plenty is that we have some farmer customers where I work and over the years we have seen many a potato show up, some strawberries, flowers, but never before corn. So obviously it was big news and as most of you have probably guessed, free vegetables rumors spread like wildfire. Before I knew it I had a farmers market happening in my office as employees rushed in to get some produce to bring home. Which doesn’t surprise me at all as bringing home the bacon is so last year.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Confetti Hair Day
Some people have bad hair days... I have confetti hair days, and they are awesome! Let me explain. Yesterday was my birthday, today was not. BUT nonetheless, I walked into my office at work today and seconds later found myself covered in tiny sparkles and confetti type stuff while my coworkers stood there laughing and taking photos of me. It was awesome!! I have never had that happen to me before. The best part being that I was just grabbing my textbooks and rushing out to get to my class, where I was to pretend that I was a very serious business woman expanding my knowledge on bookkeeping. The fact that I was wearing my "tough" leather jacket and sparkly chunks of plastic continued to fall out of my hair like coloured dandruff did not damage my serious business woman composure at all. (If you ever need a conversation starter...) So obviously I made new friends and just had an awesome day as I had a trail of coloured confetti following me everywhere I went.
Then I had an amazingly deep thought (and all the chairs shuffle on the floor as the crowd gathers in closer). So as I left my classroom where I had left a sufficient amount of confetti, got in my confetti cluttered car, and brought confetti with me into the reception area at work it occured to me: the confetti was a physical representation of the influence that I have on other people on any given day. The confetti started in just one room, but you can now find that confetti in my car, at my school (and literally on the people sitting beside me in class, sorry to them), in probably all the offices at my work (I can be a little chatty...), at my friends house, at Waves coffee house, in my friends car, at the River, in my home, and who knows elsewhere. And the people that I came into contact with today and got confetti on, they then went to other places as well and most likely ended up leaving confetti there as well. Think about it, I got confetti everywhere today... I am proud of the mess I made... but if that confetti can represent say joy or encouragement, I possibly encouraged or cheered up a lot of people today!! It's just amazing to see the circle of influence you have on your surroundings once you have an actual physical marker of where you all go and who you come into contact on any given day. Don't be afraid of that influence. Be the light in your world! Have the Confetti Hair.
If you don't think you have the capability to influence or impact the people around you here is my suggestion: dump an entire package of confetti on your head and then just go about your day, see if you don't find confetti everywhere you went for the next two or more weeks of your life. The confetti is your influence on people which definately sticks around for a while, make it count!
And if all else fails, if you are having a bad hair day, an entire package of confetti in the hair will most likely distract others from the fact that your hair looks bad. I'm assuming anyways... let me know how that goes.
I think I should have more confetti hair days.
Then I had an amazingly deep thought (and all the chairs shuffle on the floor as the crowd gathers in closer). So as I left my classroom where I had left a sufficient amount of confetti, got in my confetti cluttered car, and brought confetti with me into the reception area at work it occured to me: the confetti was a physical representation of the influence that I have on other people on any given day. The confetti started in just one room, but you can now find that confetti in my car, at my school (and literally on the people sitting beside me in class, sorry to them), in probably all the offices at my work (I can be a little chatty...), at my friends house, at Waves coffee house, in my friends car, at the River, in my home, and who knows elsewhere. And the people that I came into contact with today and got confetti on, they then went to other places as well and most likely ended up leaving confetti there as well. Think about it, I got confetti everywhere today... I am proud of the mess I made... but if that confetti can represent say joy or encouragement, I possibly encouraged or cheered up a lot of people today!! It's just amazing to see the circle of influence you have on your surroundings once you have an actual physical marker of where you all go and who you come into contact on any given day. Don't be afraid of that influence. Be the light in your world! Have the Confetti Hair.
If you don't think you have the capability to influence or impact the people around you here is my suggestion: dump an entire package of confetti on your head and then just go about your day, see if you don't find confetti everywhere you went for the next two or more weeks of your life. The confetti is your influence on people which definately sticks around for a while, make it count!
And if all else fails, if you are having a bad hair day, an entire package of confetti in the hair will most likely distract others from the fact that your hair looks bad. I'm assuming anyways... let me know how that goes.
I think I should have more confetti hair days.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Unrelated Randoms
People seem to usually start these things with a "Today was ..." and then some sort of explanation of their day, but I may not even talk about my day today so I will choose to start this post with a "I eat food." Oh wait, does it count as a start if it's not in the first few words? Ok, Re-do.
I eat food. I promise you I do. Now people may whine at me for saying this and sure bring it on, but I just put 400 photos of my recent trip to Europe into an album (yes 400 exactly as I printed off 426 photos and had to sadly eliminate 26 of them as I struggled to fit every photographic-life-changing masterpiece into the crammed album) and in many of them I observed that I look sickly! I look like some frail human being that may collapse due to lack of food. How does this happen?? I want to look buff and strong and honestly thought I wasn't that far off. I need to workout more or something. And obviously by "workout more" I mean just simply, I need to workout. At least until when I flex something happens anyways. Rumour has it a muscle is supposed to appear when you flex your arm or something. I have no further thoughts on this, maybe I should just delete it all (I mean I won't, but the thought is there). I just was so weirded out by the photos of me on my trip and how I appeared to myself (this could go much deeper, but I'll leave it for now) that I decided to share it with the world. Which implies that more than just myself is looking at this blog. And I don't say that in a "pity me" way but in a humorous viewpoint that I honestly think I really am the only one that reads this at the moment. hahaha...ha...ha...
I guess I kind of mentioned a small part of the events of my day already so while I'm at it and breaking all my personal blogging rules...(which I kind of just made up so that I could say I was breaking them and give the impression that I'm a wild rebel...) I will tell you a thought I had today which I think people should just start crocheting into their pillows now and beat the rush. I start an accounting class on Monday for work, and I was having a moment of panic while looking at my Accounting for Canadian Colleges textbook. The textbook content looked very confusing and I was thinking over and over to myself that it looked too hard and that I would probably fail the class. Now, I looked at what I was doing to myself and I realized that I was not created for failure, and was just kind of like "Sherylynn, change your attitude and the awesome continues." (This is not the quote to may not even make sense to you...but you could sticky note that somewhere if you want...just take my name out first... or don't, whatever.) And so right then and there I changed my thought process and then told myself, "Don't be afraid of failing, be excited to succeed." And so I am! I hate failing.. I want success! Challenge accepted textbook... I will learn from you, memorize you and succeed!! Wam Bam, Thank you Ma'am.
Maybe I do talk about myself in third person. Sherylynn apologizes for that.
I eat food. I promise you I do. Now people may whine at me for saying this and sure bring it on, but I just put 400 photos of my recent trip to Europe into an album (yes 400 exactly as I printed off 426 photos and had to sadly eliminate 26 of them as I struggled to fit every photographic-life-changing masterpiece into the crammed album) and in many of them I observed that I look sickly! I look like some frail human being that may collapse due to lack of food. How does this happen?? I want to look buff and strong and honestly thought I wasn't that far off. I need to workout more or something. And obviously by "workout more" I mean just simply, I need to workout. At least until when I flex something happens anyways. Rumour has it a muscle is supposed to appear when you flex your arm or something. I have no further thoughts on this, maybe I should just delete it all (I mean I won't, but the thought is there). I just was so weirded out by the photos of me on my trip and how I appeared to myself (this could go much deeper, but I'll leave it for now) that I decided to share it with the world. Which implies that more than just myself is looking at this blog. And I don't say that in a "pity me" way but in a humorous viewpoint that I honestly think I really am the only one that reads this at the moment. hahaha...ha...ha...
I guess I kind of mentioned a small part of the events of my day already so while I'm at it and breaking all my personal blogging rules...(which I kind of just made up so that I could say I was breaking them and give the impression that I'm a wild rebel...) I will tell you a thought I had today which I think people should just start crocheting into their pillows now and beat the rush. I start an accounting class on Monday for work, and I was having a moment of panic while looking at my Accounting for Canadian Colleges textbook. The textbook content looked very confusing and I was thinking over and over to myself that it looked too hard and that I would probably fail the class. Now, I looked at what I was doing to myself and I realized that I was not created for failure, and was just kind of like "Sherylynn, change your attitude and the awesome continues." (This is not the quote to may not even make sense to you...but you could sticky note that somewhere if you want...just take my name out first... or don't, whatever.) And so right then and there I changed my thought process and then told myself, "Don't be afraid of failing, be excited to succeed." And so I am! I hate failing.. I want success! Challenge accepted textbook... I will learn from you, memorize you and succeed!! Wam Bam, Thank you Ma'am.
Maybe I do talk about myself in third person. Sherylynn apologizes for that.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Announcement: Commencing Writing
I'm not sure if this counts as a blog post and/or actual announcement, but I just wanted to let maybe myself and anyone that dares to read my crazy ramblings know that I am going to start writing. Again. I need some motivation to continue writing as I've been out of school for a while now and as I have been shamelessly harrassing many of my friends to keep writing lately I figured I better take my own advice. So here we go... Sherylynn is writing again. Oh, in case you don't read that anywhere else, Hi I'm Sherylynn! Good, now we're friends. And I usually don't refer to myself in third person, so don't get too caught up on that.
Sooo, writing. Here's the deal, I love memories, everything about them. How they change from person to person, how they make/create/change a person, how they affect the present, etc. I think I'm just going to start with that, and on a sort of maybe regular basis I will write some sort of current story with random memories to go along with them for some hilarious enjoyment. Best case scenario: I become awesomely famous and get a book deal like that lady from Julie/Julia (with less swearing but approximately equal crazyness), worst case scenario: I don't. Chances look good for me! Maybe I shouldn't have told you about my genius and well thought out writing technique to make you want to keep reading. Really wish I hadn't already hit the "Publish Post" button now.
Sooo, writing. Here's the deal, I love memories, everything about them. How they change from person to person, how they make/create/change a person, how they affect the present, etc. I think I'm just going to start with that, and on a sort of maybe regular basis I will write some sort of current story with random memories to go along with them for some hilarious enjoyment. Best case scenario: I become awesomely famous and get a book deal like that lady from Julie/Julia (with less swearing but approximately equal crazyness), worst case scenario: I don't. Chances look good for me! Maybe I shouldn't have told you about my genius and well thought out writing technique to make you want to keep reading. Really wish I hadn't already hit the "Publish Post" button now.
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