Some people have bad hair days... I have confetti hair days, and they are awesome! Let me explain. Yesterday was my birthday, today was not. BUT nonetheless, I walked into my office at work today and seconds later found myself covered in tiny sparkles and confetti type stuff while my coworkers stood there laughing and taking photos of me. It was awesome!! I have never had that happen to me before. The best part being that I was just grabbing my textbooks and rushing out to get to my class, where I was to pretend that I was a very serious business woman expanding my knowledge on bookkeeping. The fact that I was wearing my "tough" leather jacket and sparkly chunks of plastic continued to fall out of my hair like coloured dandruff did not damage my serious business woman composure at all. (If you ever need a conversation starter...) So obviously I made new friends and just had an awesome day as I had a trail of coloured confetti following me everywhere I went.
Then I had an amazingly deep thought (and all the chairs shuffle on the floor as the crowd gathers in closer). So as I left my classroom where I had left a sufficient amount of confetti, got in my confetti cluttered car, and brought confetti with me into the reception area at work it occured to me: the confetti was a physical representation of the influence that I have on other people on any given day. The confetti started in just one room, but you can now find that confetti in my car, at my school (and literally on the people sitting beside me in class, sorry to them), in probably all the offices at my work (I can be a little chatty...), at my friends house, at Waves coffee house, in my friends car, at the River, in my home, and who knows elsewhere. And the people that I came into contact with today and got confetti on, they then went to other places as well and most likely ended up leaving confetti there as well. Think about it, I got confetti everywhere today... I am proud of the mess I made... but if that confetti can represent say joy or encouragement, I possibly encouraged or cheered up a lot of people today!! It's just amazing to see the circle of influence you have on your surroundings once you have an actual physical marker of where you all go and who you come into contact on any given day. Don't be afraid of that influence. Be the light in your world! Have the Confetti Hair.
If you don't think you have the capability to influence or impact the people around you here is my suggestion: dump an entire package of confetti on your head and then just go about your day, see if you don't find confetti everywhere you went for the next two or more weeks of your life. The confetti is your influence on people which definately sticks around for a while, make it count!
And if all else fails, if you are having a bad hair day, an entire package of confetti in the hair will most likely distract others from the fact that your hair looks bad. I'm assuming anyways... let me know how that goes.
I think I should have more confetti hair days.
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