Thursday, September 15, 2011

Announcement: Commencing Writing

I'm not sure if this counts as a blog post and/or actual announcement, but I just wanted to let maybe myself and anyone that dares to read my crazy ramblings know that I am going to start writing. Again. I need some motivation to continue writing as I've been out of school for a while now and as I have been shamelessly harrassing many of my friends to keep writing lately I figured I better take my own advice. So here we go... Sherylynn is writing again. Oh, in case you don't read that anywhere else, Hi I'm Sherylynn! Good, now we're friends. And I usually don't refer to myself in third person, so don't get too caught up on that.

Sooo, writing. Here's the deal, I love memories, everything about them. How they change from person to person, how they make/create/change a person, how they affect the present, etc. I think I'm just going to start with that, and on a sort of maybe regular basis I will write some sort of current story with random memories to go along with them for some hilarious enjoyment. Best case scenario: I become awesomely famous and get a book deal like that lady from Julie/Julia (with less swearing but approximately equal crazyness), worst case scenario: I don't. Chances look good for me! Maybe I shouldn't have told you about my genius and well thought out writing technique to make you want to keep reading. Really wish I hadn't already hit the "Publish Post" button now.

1 comment:

  1. WOOOOHOOO!! I will read your blog when I can get internet! You are awesome!
