I will have to make it one of my many experiments to see if I can write on here more frequently.
But until then, I will now tell you some of the worst and best parts of my week:
All bad things that happened to me (in a "Why meeee!!" dramatic type way):
1) I got a paper cut on my pinky.
2) I accidentally dropped my ipod and it went flying across a parking lot.
3) I was crazy busy at work this week and getting kind of stressed out about getting everything done.
4) The Canucks lost
5) I tried to learn how to knit via YouTube "How To" video for an hour and a half with zero results.
6) I burnt the top of my mouth on hot pizza sauce and it is now semi-blistered.
All awesome things that made me smile:
1) I'm so tough that I can still play piano with a big gash on my pinky. As if a paper cut will stop me.
2) After forgetting that my ipod was in my lap attached to the car cord I got out of my car and it came off the cord and went flying across the Staples parking lot, at which point all I could see was Justin Bieber's face on my ipod laying on the concrete. HAHAHAH My first thought was: "poor Justin, getting thrown around like that." Good laugh.
3) My VP at work came in to announce that we were getting another person in, therefore decreasing my work load! Me=Happy girl!
4) My joy does not depend on whether a hockey team wins or loses. And this is amazing.
5) My mom sat down with me and gave me a one on one lesson on how to knit, and now I have about 4 inches worth of a sweater. My mom is incredible!
6) I ate the most delicious pizza this week. Hamburger bacon pizza, need I say more.
Bragging Moment: I got 100% on my Excel midterm this week. Now, it's not really as impressive as it sounds, but nonetheless 100%. Dream dreams friends, believe that you can excel at whatever you put your mind to.
Bragging Moment Extended (this is bad of me to continue on bragging like this... but I guess I'm going to do it anyway): I made it my experiment this week to get to work on time every single day this week. (Course I picked a 4 day work week to increase my chances). Now I know this sounds ridiculous but... stop judging me. Some people need 6 alarms to wake up in the morning... it happens. Anyways, I did it!! Someone believed in this great dream and it helped encourage me to achieve this experiment. Heck, punctuality worked so well for me last week I think I might do it again next week!
And after all is said and done, I just want to say that it was soo hard as a self declared optimistic person to come up with a list of bad things that happened in a week. Things are only "bad" if we don't take the time to see the good in them.
But now, it is sunny outside, and I have a soccer game to go to and cheer on some friends. Ohhh it is well with my soul. Have a wonderful day friends!
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