I was in a very distracting type mood today. Distracting others and distracting myself. Pretty much a teacher's nightmare.
I feel like my mind was spinning around so fast today that I just didn't know what to do with myself and needed to apply those thoughts towards some sort of project. Starting with my morning class today, we were just having a review class and I was so bored that I started to just ask a million questions that would make my class go off on a tangent purely for my entertainment to see how far I could push them. It was awesome, at one point I had two people googling definitions of words... at the teacher's request.
I also witnessed this today and I love when this happens:
Teacher: "Ok, next question on the review, what is the correct answer?"
Majority of class all at different times within 6 seconds: "Matching Principle...matchi...principle...prin..match...(meaning a bunch of mushed together voices)"
Lone but very confident voice: "Matching Principle"
bahahahah. The ever confident voice announcing the established answer. I love it.
Philosophy 100 Thoughts: Social norms are a very interesting thing to me. I mean I understand social norms and what is expected to be normal and acceptable in society but sometimes when I get bored in class I just think it would be so interesting to randomly yell loudly or just stand up all of a sudden in class and then just stand there... I mean how awkward would that be! "No... no question, just decided to stand", "Don't mind me I just decided to face my chair away from the whiteboard today", "Is it cool with you if I just teach the class today". Just do something that would make people think that I was insane. (When in fact I am completely sane, I just am playing out an experiment on what other people think when I break out of the "box" that people hold as socially acceptable behaviour.) Think about this people. I think I'm onto something here. Deeper thoughts to follow at a later date.
Side Story: Just thought of a kind of recent memory... maybe linked to social norms.
So the other day I was in Whiterock with two of my friends and we ended up
having to go through a roadblock. And see the funny thing about these roadblocks
is that I love them, they don't scare me because I don't drink and so have nothing to hide.
Unfortunately, I was so confident in my lack of drinking and that he would just let me go
that I had already prepared my answer to what I knew he was going to ask me:
"Have you had anything to drink tonight?"
So when the cop asked me a question I responded way to confidently with: "Not at all."
Too bad his question was "How much have you all had to drink tonight?"
The dangers of overconfidence.
Fact: My mind and schedule like to be busy. When not used to their full potential my mind starts making things up and my schedule allows for me to play these things out. Lately, my mind comes up with all sorts of ways where I can learn things... completley useless things sometimes. And now, excuse time as to why I have not written anything for a bit (as I know you've all been wondering..) which is because I was testing out an "Annoyance" Experiment, where I put my laptop in an annoying place so that I don't want to go on it for long periods of time. For the past week I have had my laptop placed on my treadmill, so if I wanted to go on my laptop I would have to sit on my treadmill (because walking on the treadmill with a laptop must be dangerous). Newsflash, treadmills aren't comfy and the experiment was a huge success! I'm really happy with the way things turned out as I spent much more time reading and hanging out with great people. My laptop on the other hand must be quite ticked off as half the screen keeps blacking out. The importance of Computer Maintenance.
Annoyance Experiment Conclusion: You will spend less time on your laptop if it is in an annoying, out of the way, uncomfortable place. Friends are cooler than technology.
Now I know.
Today's Lessons Learned: Busy the mind with useful tasks (unlike today), overconfidence makes you look like a fool, and I like hanging out with my friends more than my laptop.
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