Confession: I dislike the dentist.
(Just so you know, I refrained myself from using the word 'hate'. It was tough. Please read on.)
Now you may all be thinking "pffff big deal, nobody likes the dentist it's just something you have to do."
In which case, call me nobody because I do not like the dentist. When I think of the dentist what I feel is great fear, as well as a feeling of panic and dread and self-pity and dentist focused anger and wanting to bite people, etc.... it is many things I assure you that you do not want to feel.
I'm not sure where the fear came from but most likely from the fact that the dentist is linked with pain and feeling sick. I will share some stories, this is embarassing, but I'll tell you. Ay yi yi. When I was a younger person I never liked the dentist either, I recall getting brave enough to go to the dentist (since my mother made me) but then would refuse to open my mouth once sitting in the dentist chair. Then I would leave. Then I would get brave enough and return... and then yet again refuse to open my mouth. Yes, laugh away, hilarious. I don't know how often or how long this went on for, it's called mental blocks. Many a story I could share with you such as being allergic to products the dentists use and losing my voice as a result, feeling super sick, weak enamel, getting crazy teeth surgery and the numbing coming out before they were finished, retainers...retainers...retainers.. I'm getting all crazy just thinking about this and writing it down. ahhhhh dentist.
Let's find a point to this. Ok, so to recap we are talking about dentists. What always follows when I think of the dreaded word 'dentist' (think Lion King and the hyenas: "mufasa") is my attitude. Because this is usually how my visits go.
Step 1: Dread dentist appointment
Step 2: Force myself to dentist appointment, if extended wait period in waiting room, consider running away.
Step 3: Let any dentist personnel know that I do not want to be there by stating, "Just so you know, I have a really bad attitude about being here and don't want to be here."
Step 4: Refuse to make any follow up appointments then get a lecture on the importance of oral health.
Step 5: Plan to never return to the dentist.
That's not even exaggerating. Overdramatic yes. I mean even reading that seems crazy to me!! Who does that?!? That's embarassing to read and moreso when you realize it's yourself. Sherylynn why in the world are you telling people this!
Now here's why... I have to make a dentist appointment soon and it's become quite apparent that if I let myself continue the way I am; this fear, panic, self-pity, and HORRIBLE attitude towards the dentist, is just going to expand to the point that I might actually never return to the dentist and will end up wearing dentures by the time I am 30! Panic! Furthermore, as you can tell from my prior words, I have a very engrained bad attitude towards the dentist, however, this does not mean that it can't be changed. And that is what I intend to do. And do you know how you change an attitude? You catch yourself when speaking negatively and find the lies within it.
For example:
1) I hate the dentist!! LIE... I don't hate the dentist as a person, I dislike the pain that dental work causes me.
2) The dentist hates me. LIE... The dentist is there to protect my chompers and keep me healthy.
3) I have a bad attitude towards the dentist. LIE... I have an improving attitude towards the dentist.
If I let my fears get the best of me, I will not make the effort to make another dentist appointment and in the end will cause more damage to myself. If I stand up to my fear, choosing to have an attitude of overcoming, then I can pick up that phone and make myself an appointment. It starts with choosing which attitude you will take on and the appropriate actions that suit that attitude will follow. Which will you choose?
And lastly, here is what was stuck in my head the whole time I was writing:
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