Monday, November 12, 2012

Storytime: Debbie Discourager

It's been a while, time for a Storytime Monday inspired by recent thoughts. Let's jump in shall we.

Debbie Discourager was a typical human being named Debbie Discourager. She thought a lot about working out and eating healthy, but never doing so, she worked a 9-5 job, never really loving it, and had a full head of hair, but always wishing it was curly.

Debbie Discourager typically started her day by going to the local coffee shop and grabbing a coffee before heading to work. Today Emma Energy was in line ahead of her and struck up a conversation...
"What a gorgeous day outside, eh?" said Emma Energy excitedly, a die hard Canadian, "I woke up this morning and just had to get out there for a jog."

"You went jogging this morning..." Debbie Discourager replied with a look of disgust, "why the heck would you get up early to do something like that, wouldn't you rather sleep in and enjoy your day."
Emma Energy had now grabbed her coffee and gave a quiet good bye to Debbie Discourager as she made her way out the door. Debbie Discourager thought nothing of it.

Once Debbie Discourager got to work she made sure everything was as she left it and went forth in her day. At break time her sister, Susan Sews, texted her a picture of the latest outfit she had just sewn for her child's doll...

"STOP WASTING YOUR TIME ON STUPID THINGS LIKE THIS SUSAN." Debbie Discourager replied in outrage that her sister had put time into yet another pointless thing for her child to play with.
Debbie Discourager went back to her job without a second thought. Her sister never texted back a reply.

Come lunch time, the many employees began flooding into the lunch room to heat up their frozen entrees. Debbie Discourager was amongst the typical employees with her frozen lasagna dinner to be heated. She looked to her coworker beside her and realized that he had home made lasagna, actually made from scratch.
"Pff why do you bother wasting time making that from scratch when you can quickly just buy it like this." She informed her coworker, showing him the cardboard container of frozen lasagna.

"My wife loves cooking and I think home made is a lot healthier and tastier," he replied then returned to his meal he was clearly enjoying.
Debbie Discourager figured his wife must be one of those house wifes with nothing else to do but make her husband food and thought it was such a ridiculous idea to make elaborate meals for no reason.

The day ended and Debbie Discourager went home to watch TV and scoff at the people on the news that were trying to raise money by biking across Canada, clearly an unproductive use of time to just bike around like that.

Storytime Statement: Do you realize that in everyday situations you have the ability to encourage another human being simply by not discouraging them or making them feel ridiculous for going outside the 'norm'.

The difference from negativity to positivity is as simple as this:
"You went jogging this morning! Wow, good for you!"
"Oh my goodness, Susan, you amaze me with your sewing talent!"
"What a blessing your wife must be to you!"

Be a simple encourager this morning by being aware of your discouraging statements and flipping it. Similar to 'turn that frown, upside down'.

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