Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blind Forgetting

Oh Sherylynn, you funny girl, why do you forget things sometimes?

This is my thought I am having today. I honestly get a little frustrated with myself when I forget stuff but I always have a little chuckle when I remember what it is I forgot because it always seems to entertain me a little bit. Let me give some examples:

1) I forget that I can't see without the help of contacts or glasses and will panic a bit when I walk out of my room in the morning and everything is a blurry mess.
2) I forget that my car uses gas.
C) I forget that 3.25 minutes is not ample time to get ready in the morning before work; it didn't work yesterday... or the day before... or...
4) I forget to factor in travel time to get somewhere and think I should leave my house when the event starts then remember I'm already late.
5) I forget my passwords to almost everything, yes.. even if it's 'password'.
6) I forget how blessed I am.

You may have guessed that my main thought today is based around point 6. You are correct. Gold Star. Today for some reason I have this interesting side/back pain that feels like someone is smacking me with a wet towel every now and then when I think the pain has subsided. I'm not so worried about the pain because I know it will go away, it's just annoying. And I tell you this bit of personal information to remind you of something that I have forgotten. First let's give you some background....

About a month or so ago I read this non-fiction book called, 'A Miracle for (insert girl's name here that I forget)' and it changed the way I think and view life. To give a very brief overview, this 15 year old girl gets into a car accident and afterwards is mentally, physically and emotionally wounded BUT spiritually she is completely fine, in fact she is spiritually stronger than ever before. For example, she is in a coma for a few weeks barely surviving, but with crazy faith and constant prayer over her by friends and family (I'm talking 8 hours straight by one lady!!) she finally comes through and when she does its confirmed that she has heavy brain damage as she forgets how to spell her name, when her birthday is, what some simple words mean like 'mop', she speaks with a heavy slur, she can barely walk and can barely stay awake for more than a couple hours at a time, HOWEVER, she can rattle of chunks of scripture completely from memory and she prays out loud without a slur as happy as could be praising Jesus for all the great things in her life and for His love for her. This girl inspires me. She has lost the ability to do so many things and she forgets that she has lost that ability but she praises God with so much passion, joy and reassurance that He is doing great things in her life!

Instead of bringing a list of complaints to God about her current situation or why the car accident happened to her, she praises him for her injury because she gets to tell so many more people about Him and what he's done in her life. This girl who can barely remember if she went to the bathroom 2 minutes ago so keeps going in 5 minutes intervals, even obtained her graduation certificate! Her mother tried to prepare her daughter that she may not be able to pass the final exam but her daughter, with such incredible faith, just kind of looks at her mom and tells her that "God's got this" and then writes in her journal her praises to God for her life and her excitement to graduate. And she does graduate, as if it wasn't even a question. She has her moments of frustration but you start singing worship songs to her and she goes off into this world of joy and passion for Jesus. She never once complains to God or asks why but showers him with praise and is constantly just wrapped up in His love.

Now, all that above shows why this book changed my life. It flipped the way I thought, flipped the way I prayed, and flipped me into a stronger relationship with Him. And then I forgot about all of these 'flipping' realizations. How does that happen!?
I was reminded again today when my mix of random pain and car sickness got mushed together and I was praying to God that I wouldn't throw up on my mother's lovely vehicle floor. Then it hit me that I had completley forgotten all about my new mindset. A mindest to bring praises and thank you's to the Lord instead of "fix this situation for me.....oh yah..... please." And the great thing is that once you start giving that praise and thank you and dwelling in His love all other concerns seem to melt away and you realize that God's got your small problems, He's got this.

1 comment:

  1. "fix this situation for me.....oh yah..... please." And the great thing is that once you start giving that praise and thank you and dwelling in His love all other concerns seem to melt away and you realize that God's got your small problems, He's got this."

    1- that made me laugh out loud
    2- duh. no brainer. simplest thing in the world. so why do I always forget? Your insight is abundant. Thank you for sharing :)
