Monday, April 2, 2012

Band Aids & Stitches

Rethinking my blog lately. Not as in “what is all this stuff… DELETE” but as in needing to be more constant and following through on saying all the things that have been put on my mind and heart to share with others, particularly women. On that same note though, I think many of the things that will be said men can also ponder on by knowing how to give women the grace and space that they may need, and essentially helping to protect their hearts. One of the greatest blessings you could give is patience while trying to understand.

And so moving forward, if you are interested and would like to follow, I am going to aim to post every Monday and keep my posts somewhat flowing on the same thread, which is I suppose Healing and Restoration. Finding joy in everyday life again to the point that you smile like a fool and people want what you got.

One thing I kept pondering over the last week is the difference between band aids and stitches. In the literal sense, these two things are quite different, one is for covering a simple wound and one is for restoring a serious wound. This is the same for a healing heart; if you’ve been hurt badly by something/someone your wound can be simple or serious. If you throw a band aid on a heart that requires stitches, for the sake of wanting to “be ok” and move on, you will only have temporary healing. Eventually, that band aid will get soaked through with the blood and pain of your wound and fall right back off, possibly causing you more and more pain as that wound is continually exposed. If you work to get the healing stitches that you require and use time to rest your heart, that heart will heal to such a degree that there will be minimal damage to show that there ever was a wound there. As mentioned in a previous post, ScarsCarry Stories, I have such a scar and I wear it proudly now, which seems odd, but I’m not afraid to speak out about what God has helped me overcome. I used up boxes and boxes of band aids trying to stop my bleeding heart and I just couldn’t do it. I eventually sought out the stitches I so desperately needed and took the time to just let my heart rest. And rest and heal it did, but it took much longer than I wanted it to because the same way you can’t peer pressure or intimidate stitches to heal, you can’t give your heart a deadline to heal.

This post may be much more serious than previous posts but for those that are searching for answers and healing, I encourage you to consider the question: Are you putting a band aid over a wound that requires stitches?  

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