Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Ruined Day

Tuesday is the new Monday, moving right along...
You may be offended today. I half apologize for that, but I also hope you get over that in a timely fashion once you realize that you can leave this post feeling uplifted (if you so choose).
Let's begin and see where we end up as this topic has been on my mind for a while.
Have you ever heard this: “I’m soooo angry. I can’t believe they said and/or did that. She/He ruined my entire day.
I overhear strangers saying this, it’s all over my facebook page, I hear some friends say it quite often, heck, I have probably said it myself once or twice in my life. But here’s the thing, I hear that now and my first thought is honestly somewhere along the lines of…
 “Well, that was dumb! Why did you let them do that.”
...because honestly, who do you have control of in this world? Who’s attitude are you in complete control of? Other people’s? Your Ex? Your current? Your now 'ex' friends? No, negative, the only person you have exact control of is you.
If you are letting somebody else ruin your day then that is none other than your fault. Maybe I don’t understand your situation, maybe you have a unique scenario… sure, but that doesn’t change the facts. How you look at a situation or more importantly how you allow yourself to react to a situation is completely up to you. Will you be the higher person keeping that situation a private matter to be resolved quickly, or will you allow yourself to become the poor victim then go and update your facebook status so everybody knows how you have been victimized and how horrible your life is while also giving you the chance to wallow in your 'ruined' day as others give their opinions on how offended you should be. (That is a run on sentence of confusion for why this happens daily all around me.)
Friends, you are better and stronger than wallowing in self pity over a rude and/or inappropriate comment someone might say to you... the more you don't make a 'vague' facebook status about it, don't rally your friends to start hating this person, and don't focus on this fact the better you will feel about yourself and feel about the quality of your day! I encourage you to be strong and the bigger person! Crazy things happen in life that could leave us all offended every 10 seconds… but what fun is that? Don’t you want to move past ridiculous situations so you can get back to living life and enjoying your day sooner?
Again, if you take the time to read this (p.s. thank you I appreciate it, honestly, thanks so much) but if you are also sitting there being like well Sherylynn… Sunshine… whoever you are, you have it good, your life is all in place obviously you don’t get it because nothing bad ever happens to you. Think again my friend!! You may not know about the difficult challenges going on in my life because:
1)      They are not a part of my facebook statuses.
2)      You probably don’t need to know about them. (Don't get all offended on me...)
3)     And most importantly, I don’t like to dwell on things but instead just pray and leave the issues with God to sort out. He’s good at that stuff!

It’s truly as simple as that.

“Every day you can have an incredibly great day, you just need to remember to have it.”


  1. This is truth! I always enjoy your posts!

  2. This is truth! I always enjoy your posts!

  3. Thanks so much for comments! :)

    P.s. to all: my mother mentioned something to me that's worthy of clarification... when your emotions are hurt it is hard to just shake it off... so true! I'm not saying be robots, but encouraging all to simply not dwell and expand things that do not need that kind of attention. Have a great day!
