Monday, June 4, 2012

Your Favourite Cup

I went to write an email today to a customer named Gord. I accidentally wrote this instead:

Dear God,

Now fortunately I noticed before I sent it (that would have been fun), but of course it threw me into Sherylynn’s Deep Thinking Time:  If I wrote a letter to God what would it say?

Would it be a list of questions:

Dear God,

Why is there cancer?
Did dinosaurs really have feathers?
Why is Chilliwack always so rainy?

Would it be a list of complaints:

Dear God,

My stupid oven broke, everything bad always happens to me.
My car got all dented from some jerk that hit and ran it.
I used to be a natural blonde, what happened, its so unfair!

Would it be a list of thank you’s:

Thank you for life yesterday.
Thank you for life today.
Thank you for sunshine and that the ozone layer is still in tact.

Would it be a list of _________:

This blog has now become a fill in the blank worksheet. Of only one question.

That is the thought of the day and get this I will go one step further as a special treat. If you’re mind tends to easily go the complaints route (it’s ok to admit it, I know I’ve got my hand up) perhaps that is because those are the thoughts or words most easily accessed in your mind. Think of it like this: When you take a cup out of the cupboard do you take all the other cups out so you can grab one from the very back? Not usually. You take what is most easily accessible. And I find this is similar to your thoughts and vocabulary used on a regular basis. If you constantly have pessimistic thoughts or negative language then that is what is going to show up on your “most used” mind list and your thoughts and mouth will easily refer to it.

Red Alert: Don’t lose hope!! The ‘most used’ list can be reset. This is double apparent to me today as updates on my computer have wiped out all my most commonly used work links. I love a good challenge. So basically, if you make a conscience effort to bring optimism forward, pessimistic thoughts and language will get pushed off the ‘most used’ list and your mind will begin to automatically refer to uplifting, encouraging, and thoughts of awesomeness. Notice I didn’t say it was easy… in fact it’s quite annoying at first. Back to cup/cupboard analogy: at first it is like taking all the other cups out one by one to grab a cup from the back, but then eventually the more you use that cup the more commonly its just been washed and is sitting at the front of the cupboard… just waiting to be used.

I leave you with this: “You rock” is way cooler than “you suck”.

Yep. Life changing quote right there. Bye friends!


  1. As usual very insightful. My advice make your favorite cup a fun cheerful one- Mine says DISNEYLAND on it. How can your day not start out right.

  2. Ooh thanks! Love comments! And I love the Disneyland cup, get's your mind thinking about the happiest place on earth every morning. haha
