Monday, December 3, 2012

Marriage: Christmas Decision Making Surprises

Hi Friends!

If you were unaware, about eight times a week I get the question, "How's married life?" so today I thought I would give you an update on said married life. So to catch you all up, Andrew and I are coming up on our one year anniversary of when we started dating... technically it won't be our anniversary since we aren't dating anymore but let's not get all caught up on that... basically what I wanted to highlight is the fact that we started dating at the end of December last year. This means that we have never been together for a Christmas season. This then makes it so much more interesting that we are married this year and are decorating our home and planning for our christmas holidays together.

The best part about our first christmas together is the unveiling of differences that we were unaware of. A few weeks ago Andrew and I ventured out to get our first stockings... (awwwww).... and it was going pretty well, except Andrew pointed out all the stockings he liked which unfortunately happened to be most of the stockings that I didn't like and all the ones I pointed out he considered to be too girly (I will admit, that was quite true). A couple stores later and we found a stocking we both agreed on, so I said perfect, grab two of them... At which point I realized that Andrew had never considered the idea that we would have matching stockings. Ooops, bad communication on my part.

Since we had some figuring out to do with the whole stocking situation I decided we could grab an angel for the top of the tree while we were already in the christmas section. This is when I realized that Andrew had been thinking of getting a star, not an angel, for the top of our tree the whole time. Oh my my, what a surprise. Basically we realized that many elements of our upbringings were completely opposite when it came to Christmas, such as when we open christmas presents (christmas morning vs christmas eve), different christmas traditions, different tastes in christmas decorations, Andrew's love for nutcrackers, my joy of singing Silent Night to any light in a dark room, and many others.

Now as I'm writing all of this I think it's quite humorous just how opposite Andrew and I are in our view of Christmas traditions as my house was typically quite Martha Stewart perfection compared with his home's cozy traditional memories collected. Neither is better than the other but they are just quite different. I also have the thought in my mind that at the end of the day none of these are big issues. The adventure of just finding out these different preferences of ours has been quite fun as well as finding solutions for how to bring our two visions together. Marriage life is so fun as you continually just learn more about each other and what different experiences you have had that makes the other person so unique. My husband is a very unique individual and I am so glad that we get to squish our Christmas traditions together and make compromises to create brand new traditions to decorate for our very first Christmas together...


Sometimes when you allow another viewpoint to come into your life, you see the world from a whole new fantastic level. Andrew Smith... I love that man.

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