Monday, April 8, 2013

Am I Being Crazy?

Sometimes, you just have to ask yourself that question.

For starters, I am not meaning to shine a 'bad spotlight' on women these last few weeks but largely this question has been swirling in my mind from the fact that sometimes, girls are just crazy. Why? Because we have about 120 different main emotions, complete with 194,490 sub-emotions, and approximately 3,438 thoughts connected to every one of those emotions that has the ability to automatically respond to someone in about 478,289 different ways.

Don't quote those as true facts.

But I'm probably pretty close.

These 'crazy' thoughts stem from this book I've been reading lately called 'Brain on Fire' by Susannah Cahalan (if you want to look it up) which follows Susannah's path on being diagnosed in the last few years with this extremely rare autoimmune disease that actually made her brain, and ultimatley herself, go crazy!
Obviously I don't believe myself to have this disease, but Susannah brings up some interesting thoughts when she evaluates herself to see if she is possibly relapsing back into the paranoia that initially started her whole sickness. She takes the time to quickly analyze her thoughts, reactions and actions to ensure she is on the right path for peaceful emotions.

Self-evaluation, this is great. When you find yourself in a situation where a person is looking at you incredulously, this is a splendid time to ask yourself, "Am I being crazy? Am I completely over reacting to this? Should I go for a walk and calm down? Am I being absolutely paranoid for no reason?" These are good thoughts to have. Whether you are single, dating, married, etc. and you are a woman, you will always come across situations where friendships, relationships, coworkers, etc. will make you upset to some degree. What to do at this point?! Self-evaluation. Take a quick second to pinpoint what it is that makes you the most upset and what other emotions are flowing out of that. I encourage you to steer away from the evaluation of who is right or wrong, but reflect within yourself and see how you can control your reaction.

Being a married lady now I try and stay on top of this and be aware that sometimes I will just act and react absolutely crazy (not that I try so hard to be normal the rest of the time..). I just don't even know what to do with myself sometimes though, let alone explain to my husband why I'm completely over reacting to something. Ahhh life. Women. Men must love us and want to run from us all at the same time sometimes. My husband is remarkable though and understands that sometimes the sorting of emotions is a process before I can figure out what it is that bothers me so; sometimes I just need a nap, sometimes it's looking back at something somebody else may have said to me, other times it's some pizza, sometimes just give me a hug and make me stop talking! He's fantastic. We will always be learning.

So to wrap up here, my thoughts this week are thoughts of encouragement for women to be aware that A) we have a lot of emotions and B) this isn't a bad thing we just have to be aware and use these emotions wisely. I really think that asking yourself in the middle of a dispute or a breakdown "Am I being crazy?" will help give you a new perspective on how your 'argument' may appear to the other person at that moment and ultimately, bring you back to a stable emotional level. Also, I think we would be easier for our brothers, dads, boyfriends, guy friends, and husbands to understand us just that little bit better. I promise you we will still remain a great mystery to them.

Ladies... be beautiful and fantastic this week, embracing those emotions but not letting them run wild to cause unneccessary emotional mudslides of your personality. Much love, much love.

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