Thursday, February 9, 2012

Story Time: The Hunters

The adventures of Princess Sugarface. Apparently turning into a series. 
(Again all names and pet types have been changed to protect identities)

So yesterday, right as Princess Sugarface was about to leave her work (where she probably makes tiaras all day) she got a phone call letting her know that the elephant had escaped. And nobody is a fan of a jumbo elephant rampaging around the neighborhood and so they sent out hunters to capture the majestic beast. This meant that the elephant had been captured and thrown into a cell until Princess Sugarface could go and release it. But wait, since Princess Sugarface was not the elephants ringleader she was not allowed to simply take the elephant out and attempt to take the elephant home in her car… I mean carriage. So Princess Sugarface is now still in the process of finding the exact location of the elephants original ringleader which is not an easy task as they are currently staying on Jupiter.

Life is fun isn't it? Laugh on, it's just another adventure.

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